What if?

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Mael snapped at some point and fell unconscious. I caught him before he fell to the ground. Reaching him in time, I slid towards him and took him into my arms as I sat on the floor.

He looked like he was sick, his skin was pale and it hurt me to see him like that.

"Mael..." I called his name quietly, "I really didn't know any other way..." I picked him up in my arms and adjusted him, "And over time it got out of hand and I still don't know how to fix it."

I took him to the bedroom to lay him down on his bed and then took off the glasses that I know he doesn't even need. I was being careful since he looked like he was in pain but I noticed something when I put him on the bed. Even though he was unconscious he still winced when I put some pressure on his back so after laying him down I pulled up his shirt and then my eyes went wide.


Did he get hurt? How? When? Wasn't he home? Did he go somewhere else?


I glanced at him, he was sound asleep, and then I looked back at the bandages.

I sat down on the bed beside him and gently started opening the dressing. I needed to confirm some things because it had started to bother me. I made sure to be extra careful since I didn't want Mael to wake up but when I opened the covering, my heart dropped.

There were fresh bruises and cuts there on his back.

"Such pale skin with such bad marks." My fingers softly brush against his skin, "How?" I looked at his face.

I highly doubt anyone could have done this to him and escaped. If he was in a fight that could cause this sort of injury, everyone would have found out because this is the kind that can't be inflicted in a mere normal fight.

I gritted my teeth.

Just looking at the wound made me angry, so I began dressing it again.

This type of bruises and cuts can only be there by repeated beating...

Come to think of it.

That one time he came back with a bruise on his face, he went back home then too... Although he lied and said he fought with someone, no other party ever came and validated that.

I finished the dressing and moved closer to his face. It still looked like he was in pain. Was it because of the wound? Or was it because of his emotions? Perhaps it was both. But whatever the reason, the fact that he was hurt put my emotions in a bad state too.

I sighed, placed my hand on his forehead, and then began to release my pheromones.

I know I'm the one who threw away his pills, that's probably why he ended up kissing my neck too and now he's all confused but it was important.

Mael's expression got better a little while after I placed my hand on his head, after that his body relaxed too and I smiled.

I'm glad I can at least do this for him.

I looked at his back now that was all covered up once again and gave it some thought.

He was home... And I saw him hurt twice. In the past too, I don't I've ever heard that he got hurt out of the house.


Could it be Mrs. Alma?

I nodded to myself.

It's possible that she doesn't like Mael. He's not her child after all. I never considered this possibility though. Whenever I met his family, they seemed normal. Originally I just thought they adopted Mael. Till the point I saw that woman in the forest, it didn't cross my mind that he was really Mike Alma's son. Having an adopted child and pretending he was theirs is a completely different story than taking in a child that you had with your mistress or some random woman.

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