Unexpected actions

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The weekend was upon us since today was Friday so everyone could go home if they wanted after the survey. I had no intention of wearing a dress, so I just bought a cloak for myself. Two different kinds, one was a silk cloak, and the other was a little ragged. Most of the class stayed together during the shopping.

When someone would find something they were looking for, they'd either leave or stay for their friend but I chose to leave immediately. I already had what I wanted in mind, so as soon as I found some dress-length cloaks and a crown that fit my head I went back to the dorm.

Part of the reason was that I didn't want anyone else to comment on what I bought or have them force me to buy a dress. It was odd, why did I get a reverse role while everyone else, well almost everyone else, got one according to their gender?

I didn't have the answer and I didn't want to think about it either but since I had time, I decided to visit Laina before heading back to the dorm.


My meeting with my best friend went like it normally does. We met at a cafe, ate and talked. She made a bunch of jokes about us being together again which I had to brush off again and as night started to fall, I took my leave and went back to the dorm.

I went back hoping not to see or meet with anyone but Eli was already back before me. Normally I would try to avoid any conversation but as soon as I entered the room lounge, I saw something unexpected. Something I never thought I'd see in Eli's hands.

He had a sign language book and he was trying to make proper gestures. I never thought, never in a million years, that he'd be doing something like learning how to sign. He didn't get bothered by me entering the place. He kept his eyes on the book as he kept studying.

"Why?" It was so surprising to see him do something like that, that the words automatically came out of my mouth, "Why are you reading that?"

That was the most surprising thing. He looked so serious, it made me feel weird.

At my words, he finally spared me a glance from the three-seater sofa he sat on, "Ah~" He looked at the cover of the book, "I want to learn."

"Sign language?" I looked at him with a confused look, "Why?" It didn't make any sense.

It really didn't. He doesn't need to learn it. He'll never need it in his life.

"It looks like fun." He flashed me a toothy smile and I saw his left fang.

"You won't be using it anywhere." I mean, an heir like him will always have interpreters around So why?

He smirked, "It's my business, you don't need to worry about it." At his words, I rolled my eyes and then scoffed.

"Right. My bad for asking." I shook my head, "You'd do anything for fun." I began to make my way towards the room.

Learning how to sign isn't easy. He'll probably give up in a day or two. I'm sure he picked the book up on a whim.

I grabbed the handle of the bedroom door when I heard Eli call me.

"My Queen," He made me freeze in his path and look at him. He had a haughty smile on his face and I immediately knew something wasn't right. He jumped from the back of the sofa and walked up to me.

"What?" I glared, "What are you planning?"

His smirk just got wider but he didn't answer my question, "Your highness," He placed his hand on mine and brought it down from the door handle, "Are you ignoring me?"

"W-what are you doing?" I began to panic, "Let go of my hand!" I tried to shake it off but instead of letting go he intertwined our fingers together, "Eli!"

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