Back to the Academy

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The weekend was a disaster, so I chose to go back to the academy dorms on Sunday. I only spent one day at home but it was full of anxiety. Dad did his best to keep mother's attention away but I felt like I needed to be out of the picture for her to completely forget about my mom.

So I came back, but what I wasn't expecting was seeing someone else here too.

And that someone had to be Eli, my roommate.

"Why are you here?" I entered our dorm room and saw him lying on the couch, reading a book.

"I could ask you the exact same thing." He didn't spare me a glance and kept reading his book.

I sighed and shut the door behind me. I had grabbed a few things from the house so after putting them down in the dorm I thought of going out for a stroll. Maybe even go out for the evening or something.

I don't have anyone to hang out with but my own company isn't bad. Rather, I prefer it at times.

I dropped my stuff in the bedroom and was crossing the living room when Eli spoke up, "What happened to you?"

I had a huge bandage on my cheek and although I know it's stupid to wish for something like him not noticing it, I still did, but of course, he did notice it. It was impossible not to when there was a big white square on my face.

"I had a fight." I lied to him

He laughed, "You can fight?" He snorted as he put his book down on the couch and sat up, "You must have taken quite a beating." He clicked his tongue at me and shook his head, "Pathetic."

I didn't answer him

I really wasn't in the mood to talk to him. I just made my way toward the door to leave, there I grabbed my sneakers and sat down to wear them when I noticed a presence behind me.

"Wait," He was looking at the back of my head, "Is some-"

"What!" I turned around to face him in fear, "What?!" I glared at him as I hid my insecurity.

"Did you really fight someone?" He frowned and for a moment, if I didn't know better, I might have thought he was actually concerned about me.

"What's it to you?" I glared back at him.

He shrugged, "It would have been nice to be an audience."

I scoffed, "Yea," I licked my lower lip, "You would have loved it." I turned around and wore my shoes, "You love seeing me in pain anyway." I stood up after I was done

He smiled, "Did I ever say that?" He hummed, "But I especially want to see you cry."

"That will never happen." I opened the door to leave.

"I'll make sure it does."

I didn't answer him, I just left but that didn't stop me from mentally cursing him.

Fuck you, Eli!

Fuck you!!

Making me cry isn't hard but I'll never cry in front of you!


Go to hell!!


"Why are you following me?" I noticed Eli was behind me when I reached the streets.

"Because you're going to eat." He casually walked a few steps behind me as if it was the most natural thing to do

"And?" I tried to not look at him but his nonchalant behavior made it impossible.

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now