Our past

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The Alma's have been our neighbors since I was a baby and I grew up playing with Mael. Unfortunately, though, Mael always had a frail body. He couldn't leave the house but it was no problem for me, all I had to do was cross the fence and go over to his yard where we played with our toys.

Our parents were always aware of my mischievous actions but no one minded it, Mr. and Mrs. Alma were especially happy that their son and I were especially good friends but over time, as the years progressed, Mael's health only deteriorated. He had poor lungs and a heart condition so by the time he was seven, he was banned from leaving the house that was constantly kept clean. By the time Mael's eighth year was coming to an end he started collapsing a lot.

That didn't stop me from visiting though, I'd still go over every single day till one day, the Alma's suddenly announced they were moving. Mael was nine then and I, ten. The news was devastating and I wanted to be able to meet my friend every day like usual but the Alma's said that they were moving for his health and that once he gets better, I'd be allowed to visit again.

In other words, no one was allowed to visit him after the move.

That just didn't sit right with me but my parents advised me against it as well, so even after The Alma household was gone, I didn't stop meeting Mael. Their house wasn't far from my school and I had told my parents I joined a club to use the club timings to go and meet Mael.

Although, my innocent plans didn't exactly go my way. After the move, I found out that Mael who was now ten was constantly on bed rest. There were a number of medicines he had to eat every day and some injections he got on a weekly basis.

It broke my heart seeing him like that but more than I, Mael himself was devastated. As a child, I didn't realize this, but his life was miserable and over the years it kept getting worse

I mean, how else do I describe it? He had to keep a mask on just so he could breathe and his body grew weaker and he was mostly on the bed with a huge ass machine always in the room next to his bed.

One day, near Mael's eleventh birthday, I went to visit him. As usual, I climbed the tree to reach his window which is kept open by Mael, and swiftly made my way into his room. I quietly entered the room and closed the door behind me but before I turned around he spoke.

"Dad's going to bring in his daughter." His voice was feeble.

"What?" I still stood near the window, "Daughter?" I had never been more confused in my life, "Aren't you an only child?" I turned to look at him and froze. He had a drip attached to him and he looked paler than usual.

"..." His eyes were droopy and I guess the mask he was wearing was bothering him. It was probably difficult to talk with that on, "He has two daughters."


I had no idea. Maybe the daughters never lived with them?

"Oh... I had no idea."

"Me neither." It was hard to hear him but I focused.

"I don't get it. Why are you suddenly mentioning this? What about the daughters? I've never heard of them."

"One of them is going to take my place." He had probably overheard this.

"What!?" I didn't even know what that meant, but it made me furious, "How can someone take your place!?? Your place is yours! No one can replace you!! I'll expose her if she does something like that!!" It took me no time to get emotional and angry.

He quietly brought his finger to his lips, "Shhh."

"Ah..." I shrunk, "Sorry," I pursed my lips together after realizing my mistake.

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now