You're mine

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I carried Mael back to the dorm in the middle of the night. Now that he's off of those pills my pheromones seem to work on him more. It didn't take him long before he fell asleep in my embrace.

Good thing it was dark, if we came across someone, no one would be able to see the blood we had on us. But luck was on our side for once, or perhaps it was too late for someone to be up at this part of the night so we made it back to our room without any trouble.

I took Mael to the bedroom and then contemplated whether to just simply put him to bed or wash the blood off of him.


It would be too hard on me if I took off his clothes and washed his naked body.

I sighed.

I put the towels on the bed and then lay him there. Then I went to take a shower. The hot water flowing down my body and the silence in the shower allowed me to think about things once more.

It seems I've taken on a bit too much trouble.

I hadn't even solved my way out of Horis's group case and now Rachel has been added to the list. I closed my eyes as I let the steam relax my muscles.

The filthy water, mixed with dirt and blood now started getting clearer as I was washed of impurities.

But now with Rachel in the hospital and Mael off of his pills, I might finally have the chance to put things together and solve it all. After so many years of not getting any answer, the opportunity has finally presented itself.

The steam started fogging the area but my mind was getting clearer.

If Mael finally trusts me, if he stays by my side willingly, I can solve this. I can get the answer I wanted and have him by my side. It was always so frustrating, the Alma's were perfect in their deception.

I opened my eyes.

Well, I can't say I didn't help their cause. By making Mael an abnormal, I did help him avoid some trouble. I wonder if I hadn't done that, how different would things be?

If someone else had laid their hands on him and exposed his identity, would I have him by my side right now?



I woke up at dawn feeling refreshed for some reason.


I sat up on the bed and looked at the other bed. Eli wasn't there.


I sat in place and then the events of the day before came to me, sending waves of fear and anxiety into my brain.

Oh shit!!

I stood up from the bed and ran out.

"Eli!" I called his name as I looked around frantically.

"Yes?" He popped his head inside from the balcony, "You're up?" The window was open and a cool breeze was coming in. Eli stood near the balcony railing, watching the sun come up with his phone in his hands.

I walked to him, "Mother," I looked at him with fear, "W-what happened-" He didn't let me finish as he placed his hand on my cheek making me quiet down.

"I told you I'd take care of it, didn't I?" He spoke softly as he towered over me.

"Yes..." My anxiety calmed down as I kept looking at him. His profile shone as the sun threw its rising rays at him. He looked majestic and just the sight of him made me feel giddy.

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now