Unexpected things

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Where the hell did Eli run off to? I can't even find that girl in disguise, their room was empty.

Did they both run off somewhere alone?



I doubt they've made that kind of progress. Last I saw, Mael was still wary of Eli.

I snickered.

He's got shit luck, that's for sure.

I walked toward the academy gate, hoping to see one of them just so that I could annoy them. Since my roommate went to eat with his friends, I should go to mine, right?

As I was nearing the gate, someone came into view.


It was a girl in uniform, pacing around the main gate with her phone in her hands.

A highschooler?

I kept walking as I watched her, she had long brown hair but I couldn't see her face properly. She looked a little panicked and kept glancing at her phone.

Was she waiting for someone here? That's quite possible, this place is full of elite-class Alpha werewolves.

As I approached the gate, she noticed me and stopped to look at me but the moment our eyes met, something happened.

Her eyes went wide when she saw me and her body flinched violently.

I paused, then gulped loudly. My whole body froze at her sight and my eyes went wide as well. The back of my neck began to sweat as my wolf started to jump in excitement. My heart began to pound and my eyes flashed goldenly.


My beautiful mate.

My fated pair,

It was instinctual, I felt goosebumps all over my body and I grabbed her hands without a second thought.

"What's your name!?" I spoke a little loudly, out of pure excitement as my heart pounded in my chest but her reaction wasn't the same as mine.

She got scared, wriggled her hands out of mine, and shook her head at me with horror. I noticed something in her ears but didn't pay attention to it, it was mostly covered by her hair anyway.

"Hey!" Immediately, I got scared when she took a step back and tried to grab her arm but she slapped my hand away, then slapped me and ran away, leaving me not only in confusion but astounded as well.

What the...? What just happened?

I was so utterly confused, I didn't even run after her and she was gone before I could even gather myself.

I just blinked in the direction she ran off to and my chest began to hurt.

I was heartbroken yet there was something else bothering me too.

Where have I seen her before?

She looks awfully familiar.



I thought about a lot of things on my way back but what was dominant was my fear of my step mother finding out I went to visit my mom. Nolan isn't an idiot, so I know he won't say anything to her even though dad's going to know everything but dad doesn't really mind.

But Rachel... Rachel is scary. If I'm not the perfect son to her, I'm a goner.

I saw the end of the forest.

But I probably deserve this treatment, don't I?

As I was out of the forest, my phone began to buzz violently.

I was receiving a lot of notifications, alll at once.

What the-?!

I picked it out of my pocket and looked at it.

Oh shit!

There were missed calls and messages from Amara. I probably didn't get anything because there was no signal in the forest.

Oh No!

I scrolled through the messages.

Oh shit. She came to the academy today to visit me but I wasn't there... I sighed as I read through her messages. They were mostly just her constantly texting me where I was.

In the end, she texted she saw a good-looking Alpha today but then her body started acting weird and she ran back to her dorm.


She must have come across some Alpha from the academy. To begin with, she shouldn't come here.

I texted her back not to come to the academy ever again and that if she wants to meet, I'll come to her.

Amara lives in the high school dorm. She's a year behind me due to certain issues but because she goes to a school specifically for betas and omegas, I can be at peace that she'll be fine and no one will bully her.

I placed the phone back in my pocket and made my way back to the academy but there I saw something unexpected.

Killian was sitting cross-legged by the main gate, his eyes were wide open and he was staring into space.


I want to avoid him so I'll just pass by without talking. I picked up the pace to scurry past him but as I did, he made me stop by grabbing my wrist.

"W-what?" I looked back at him who still hadn't snapped back to reality.

"If you meet your mate one day," He started saying random things, "But they slap you and run away, what do you do?"


He finally looked at me, "Why would they do that?" He looked like a lost pup.

I looked back at him in utter bewilderment, "What are you even saying?" I sighed, "Meet your mate?" I jerked my wrist around to escape from his grip but it was like he had glued his hand to my arm, it wouldn't budge at all. In the end I sighed, "Are you talking about your fated mate? Your pair?"


"Do they even exist?" I rolled my eyes.

He looked back into space, "I'm starting to wonder what reality is too."

I took a deep internal breath.

You no longer hear about your fated pairs anymore. But I've heard there are some werewolves that have found their mates and the bond between them is very strong.

They say, the moment you look at them, your wolf jumps around in excitement. One glance and you can tell they are meant to be yours.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "Maybe they don't like you."

His eyes went wide, "But why!?" It was like he was genuinely scared of something, "Finding your mate is a 10% chance! Why would you hate them? You're destined to be together!"

I rolled my eyes, "Well, there's always the part where you can reject your mate." I looked at the darkening sky, "It's because our ancestors did that and mated with other people, now we're here, reigning the human society."

His grip on his wrist got loose.


And then his hand slumped down on the ground.


I shook my head.

I don't want to get involved in whatever he's going through.

I turned around and left him there but one thing bothered me.

Fated mates?

I sighed.

Yeah right.

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat