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          MORGAN SEEMED TO BE CONSIDERED A BAD SLYTHERIN. She wasn't all uptight and high-thinking of herself, holding her head high above everyone else as many other Slytherins. Wasn't a blood supremacist, really she was a half-blood herself so she couldn't talk about all of that, which some were and everyone perceived them to be. Honestly, some bad apples and you call everyone else rotten? Talk about the unfair treatment.

But it was the core of Slytherins too that made everyone think she didn't belong in the house. She didn't seem too set on anything, focused and determined to achieve something, and wasn't all too cunning looking. People thought Dominic could better fit the bill of Slytherin because of his loud proclamations and ambitions for being a Healer, despite the fact that being a Healer involved people, which he favored more than being focused only on a career path. They only thing she fit was the stereotype of being evil, which everyone thought just because she wasn't a smiley type of person. Like, who cares if she doesn't want to smile to elderly professors who leaned in too closely for her liking?

Appearances, however, could be deceiving. Because Morgan had her eyes set on becoming a Potions Master – and she would be great, she knew it. She was amazing at Potions and it was always so interesting, all the concoctions you could put together and create something entirely new. It was wonderful and she loved it. And maybe she wasn't cunning; or maybe the fact that people thought she wasn't a Slytherin was enough to be called deceptive.

And, okay, well maybe she does want to break up her aunt's marriage that's pretty rude and deceptive too, but it's also beside the point. But people didn't think she was completely evil like everyone else in Slytherin house, with upright ideals about what teaching magic should be about and everything, so she was a "bad Slytherin". Whatever, it's not like she cared.

"Hey, hot stuff!" Morgan huffed, stopping in her tracks as she heard the voice, knowing that it could only be about her. She turned around and, sure enough, Anderson Dwellers was running down the corridor to her.

"Really? That's the best one you could think of?" she asked him rhetorically, "I mean, you've had all summer to come up with something better."

"Oh, so you mean you want me to call you another pet name? How about baby or my girlfriend?" Anderson cockily asked.

Morgan rolled her eyes, "Those are worse, actually. I'd prefer it if you left it to Morgan or left me alone."

"Come on, Morgan, you know you love me," he said, that stupid smirk on his face as he was so sure of himself. Morgan wanted to punch him in the gut and watch the smirk fall, that'd be fun right there.

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