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         MORGAN WASN'T USED TO NOT BEING ABLE TO SHARE HER EMOTIONS. She could be stone cold, but underneath it all she was a mess of contradicting feelings, bursting out until finally she sat down with Adeline and Dominic and fully let them spew. And sometimes, on occasion, her emotions couldn't wait and she blew up, hexing people and getting detentions that she might deserve but ultimately didn't because she hexed them for a good reason.

She wasn't used to be stone cold all the time, a hard exterior and all these internal emotions which could only simmer and could never rise to the top. Frankly, it was quite annoying, because she was even scared sometimes to open up to Adeline and Dominic when they were alone, which had never been the case.

She was an open person, she knew that, and while she could mildly hide her true feelings about some people, they always came out eventually. Whether it be publicly or privately, just her and her friends, she spilled it all because she couldn't bottle it all up and chuck it deep down inside her forever. No, it demanded to be said, to be stated out in the open and out of her, which was being quite the problem right now.

Her shoulder throbbed with phantom pain from where Alistair touched her, a reminder that her silence meant her aunt's life, and she swallowed down everything she ever wanted to say. When she opened her mouth, something about to spill out to them, it throbbed and she closed her mouth. She was helpless, the fates of her aunt's and her own in his hands, and she couldn't do anything.

Morgan Lee was at a complete loss about what to do, and that didn't sit right with her. None of this did – it all made her feel worthless and useless, unable to fight against Alistair and save her aunt as she so desperately tried before. No, she was stopping her fight because she didn't know what to do. Alistair was everything, staring into her soul, grabbing her harshly to imprint on her skin forever, and she could never escape him.

For once, she was utterly trapped with nowhere to go and nothing to save her. She could do nothing, and she hated it.

Withdrawn from her schooling, and withdrawn from everything, Morgan felt like a shell of who she was before. Enigmatic, alive, flushed with red as she yelled and a wand ready to hex anyone...but that wasn't her anymore. It couldn't be her anymore because that version of her would get Helen killed, and she could not be responsible for her aunt's death.

She had to save her, but she didn't know how. All she knew was that her silence kept Helen alive, so she was doing her best to stay quiet. To never open up her mouth, to never speak out when she so desperately wanted, to never share her true feelings about anything anymore, and instead be a shell.

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