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         MORGAN DIDN'T EXACTLY LIKE THE IDEA OF SEEKING OUT A MARAUDER TO HELP HER OUT. Maybe it was her Slytherin pride that made asking for help in an issue that made the thought unbearable, or maybe it was because Remus Lupin was a Marauder and Gryffindor and she hated both those things. Or, well, it could be a mixture because she absolutely hated asking for help unless it was from Adeline and Dominic because to anyone else, that could be a sign of her weakness, and she knew all about not showing weakness.

It was a Slytherin thing. Growing up in the house, everyone is taught to never show weakness. Most people come into Hogwarts with that warning from parents, for showing a weakness could be the shame of the family, but others, like Morgan, were taught it. Helen always believed that failure was just a chance to grow and not the end of all things, but she was quickly taught at Hogwarts that this belief was not held by the majority.

It was common knowledge that Slytherins were prideful, always holding themselves to the standard of perfection in all things, and they never liked to ask for any sort of help. Instead, they liked to obsess over the things they weren't perfect at until they knew how to do it in their sleep. It was why so many of them used charms to cover up bags under their eyes or makeup if they were feeling more lenient to a muggle thing.

Well, makeup wasn't only muggle, plenty of wizards had their own makeup lines, but it was something created by muggles and dominated muggle culture and some of them weren't so open into being associated to anything apart of muggle culture. Still, they had their charms to make their skin smooth and perfect, so the loss of makeup wasn't truly a loss.

Morgan, of course, fell into this trap. She liked being the best, or if not the best, pretty damn near it. She strived for perfection and being able to do everything herself even though whenever Helen noticed this about her, it only enticed a sigh of almost disappointment as she shook her head. And that caused a twinge in her heart and made her want to change, but she had already been shaped this way, and being perfect was always so rewarding.

So the thought of actually going to Remus and starting to work on a plan, asking for his help on this project, was humiliating. He was someone she hated, who hung out with people that she hated, and yet she had already asked him if he would help. Well, more accurately, he wanted to make up for things and she suggested that he help her with this little problem in her life.

Dominic seemed to find the whole situation hilarious and was her main motivator in finding Remus and actually talking to him. Adeline only pursed her lips in discontent but she wasn't sure if it was because of those ideals that plagued them or if it was because he was a Marauder. Either way, Dominic's urging made her end up in the courtyard staring at the Marauders before bravely walking up to them and clearing her throat.

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