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Thank you for sticking around until the end of Sabotage. It's crazy to think about how I started writing this as a junior in high school and in a month I'm gonna be starting my second year of college. Oh, how time flies.

I had the idea of Morgan when I was fourteen, started writing her fic when I was sixteen, and now I'm nineteen and I completed her story. Wild. Lots about this story changed, and lots of it stayed the same, and ultimately I can say that I am proud of her story, and incredibly thankful to everyone who stuck around and read it all the way through. It means the world to me, honestly.

Morgan was always going to die. I never saw a way for her to live. Even when thinking about Greer's story, and how that ends, Morgan was always dead. She always had to be dead. I can't think of a universe where Morgan's story plays out like this and she lives. I've always loved stories when main characters die and they know it's going to happen. It's not a shock at the end, but instead a dreading knowledge that weighs on them before it happens.

Morgan knew it, and she feared it, but embraced it. She made a choice knowing the consequences, but still made it because she believed it had to be done. I love her for it, but also mourn her. I was definitely tearing up writing the last chapter. I wrote Morgan for years, and now she's completed, and I love her but I'm going to miss her.

That's not to say she's gone forever. I am writing a companion piece to this fic following Greer. This fic is going to take place after Morgan's death. It's called Porcelain Princess and it should be up by the time I'm posting this. Sirius Black is the love interest, because the similarities between Greer and Sirius was too good not to make him the love interest and guide Greer after her father murdered Morgan in front of her.

I hope you guys follow me through Greer's journey. Still, I am so incredibly thankful for the support on Morgan's story. Your comments and votes here mean everything to me, and to people engaging with my work is the whole reason I'm still here writing fics after 5+ years. Thank you so much, truly.

Goodbye Morgan, I will miss you.

Sabotage! ⋆ Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now