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         DEAR MORGAN,

That was how the letter from Alistair started – Dear Morgan. To her surprise, one fine morning two days after her horrible detention with the pests known as the Marauders, where she effectively enlisted Remus Lupin to her cause, the house owl – Kingston – who was always locked up in Alistair's office until he had a use for the bird, flew into Hogwarts, going across the Slytherin table until he flew near Morgan and dropped a letter in front of her.

Of course, she raised an eyebrow at the letter, because although she was in common contact with her aunt, for the longest time it was just the two of them against the world, the only two Lees left alive, this was not a letter that came from her. Her first clue was the sighting of Kingston, because Morgan was already in correspondence with her aunt, of course, and Helen Lee was not allowed to use Kingston even though she was now an Ainsley, though she did not actually take the last name, as Morgan suspected she wouldn't.

Her second clue was the seal on the letter. Helen never sealed her letters, only used magic to shut it tight because she absolutely abhorred bringing her tongue to the seal and licking it even though she loved using muggle envelopes. But this was not a muggle envelope, but a piece of parchment, and she knew who it had to be from.

Part of her did not want to even open up the letter. There was absolutely no reason for Alistair to talk to her, especially now. They had lived together all summer in silence, barely passing words at dinner unless Helen forced the conversation to turn that way, and he hadn't written a letter to her since school started again. She had seen Kingston come through the Great Hall, but only for letters addressed to Greer, not to her.

Alistair had no place in her life, other than being an utter nuisance and someone she absolutely had to get rid of immediately. But he had no right to be writing her letters. But the awaiting looks of her friends towards the letter made her huff and open it on up, greeting her with the starting words of Dear Morgan.

Her lips pursed immediately at the neat handwriting. Helen was always such a sloppy writer, never neat or proper at all. She had more of a chicken scratch than calligraphy, and Alistair's fine cursive immediately placed her in a sour mood.

Dear Morgan,

It has recently come to my attention that you have received and served detention. I doubt you told her aunt when you were charged, for she looked very surprised when I informed of your punishment, and you should expect a letter from her later.

I must say that I am very disappointed in you. I know that Helen may not take it the same way I do, but this is a great disgrace. No honorable woman would be caught dead in detention. I also know before that your family name needing no upholding, but now you are an Ainsley in honor even if not in name or blood, and we have a reputation.

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