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ONE THING MORGAN WAS LEARNING WAS THAT GREER WAS ODD. She was so composed, so uptight, always sitting with a straight back, always replying to politely all the time. She rarely used any slang, always so terribly formal, and she looked at everything with a suspicious eye. She didn't believe anything on face value, which was actually sort of respectful and something that Morgan could get behind, but it was odd.

          Greer Ainsley was an enigma and Morgan hated riddles she couldn't solve. She prided herself on her smarts, on how her mind worked and her work ethic for everything, how she could solve anything someone gave her, complete any puzzle even with missing pieces because she was that damn good, but she couldn't figure out Greer.

          Sometimes she knew what to say. Don't disagree, don't lean too heavily on anything that's not pro-Slytherin and pro-Anything Alistair likes, but also don't be a yes man. Some conflict some tension, add to the discussion, but don't be too argumentative. Agree, but disagree. It was perplexing.

          But other time, she had no idea what to do. Greer was confusing, didn't talk about some things, said too much about others, and wasn't what she expected. Sometimes Morgan felt like she was floundering and drowning trying to keep up and be what Greer and Alistair expected her to be so that she could gain some information about why Alistair married Helen in the first place.

          Morgan was left confused every time she talked to Greer because the girl changed her tune so much. She could be an open book one minute and divulge so much, and the next she was tight lipped and not saying a single thing. It was so fucking infuriating for Morgan, because she had to adapt so quickly and she wasn't used to it. She wasn't a spy or anything close to it, couldn't possibly keep up even though she was really trying to do so.

          "Morgan, are you paying attention at all?" Greer's voice snapped her out of her head.

          "Sorry, guess I spaced out for a moment," she gave a sheepish smile, looking as apologetic as she could even though she didn't feel sorry at all. So what her mind wondered? Sometimes Greer was boring when she talked and Morgan needed to entertain herself, so what?

          Greer gave her a reproachful look. "Zoning out is never good. It's disrespectful you, so you should learn to watch yourself," the Ainsley girl warned her.

          She frowned. Greer had no authority to talk to her like that and she desperately wanted to tell the girl to just fuck off because that was not alright. She could zone out if she damn well pleased and now she wanted to do it again just to spite Greer – but that wouldn't very nice, and she was trying to be nice. Trying to play the role of a good step-sister (cousin?) meant she had to be nice and agreeable and not pick a fight and tell Greer to fuck off.

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