Chapter 6

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The door closed behind her with a faint click. Her limbs felt heavy with all the running she'd done few hours back. The silence of the room welcomed her with opened arms. This was the first time in last two days she didn't have a constant fear of being robbed off herself. Her mind which was on a constant marathon was all blank now. The haze getting away slowly. The cuts on her feet were covered with bandage but they hurt. They were hurting for long but she realized it only now.

She slumped to the wall nearby leaning her head against it. The numbness was finally fading away and right here this moment she realized what loneliness was. Her heart felt heavy thinking about how her life turned upside down in the span of just 48 hours. That's what it took.

The smiling faces of the family she once had swirled before her eyes. Izma. Maheen.


The smiling memory of his was slowly getting marred by a dark shadow. The shadow which was always there but she was too fool to not see it. How could he convince himself to do something as cruel as this. How?

She knew her sister would've figured something out by now. But was she strong enough to fight for her? Will she ever see her again? Or this life was again going to be hard on her?

Her eyes roamed everywhere inside the room she was currently in. So different from that dungeon she was put into at Regina's place. Her heart beat went erratic thinking about those hardest hours of her life. Where she'd prayed for death countless times. Where she was ready to be knocked down to a never ending oblivion and never open her eyes again.

Those sinister grins, hunger in eyes, lust dripping off the faces all came crashing back into her mind and she suddenly got up. Her hands gripped the ornaments adorning her wrists and in one swift motion the pearls went all scattered on the floor. She stumbled to the bathroom and switched on the lights with a trembling hand.

The girl who stared at her was someone she had never met before. Her hollow eyes were enough to scare her own self. The dried tears streaks were now a constant make up she wore. She touched her chapped lips and the few hard cracks made her wince. Not with pain. But with the realization how Regina had praised these features stating with such a body and a face as innocent she'll be a hit among her costumers soon.

Suddenly a mad rage took over. She started rubbing her face with the back of her palm. Her nails touched the delicate skin of her neck and left a mark.

She wanted to turn this beautiful face into something so gruesome that no one will ever even look in her way. Her mind was haywire. All the calmness she'd shown in front of that stranger going away into the thick air. This beauty. This innocence. It was a curse. This gullibility was what lead her here. And she hated herself.

Had she been a bit more sensible would all this happen? Her rash movements stopped, feeling she couldn't do much to harm herself anyway. A sob left her lips and then she felt herself shaking. She won't cry. And she didn't.

It felt like hours. She'd lost count of time. She only got up when her legs felt numb due to the cold marble floor beneath her. Yanking her form out of the bathroom her eyes fell on the an old worn out long sleeved shirt with trousers and a shawl. She immediately went towards the couch where the household had put it.

The fabric felt strangely comfortable against her skin. Not waiting anymore time she again went into the bathroom and almost ripped the white-crimson dress off her. It pooled in her legs leaving her bare but she felt as if she'd thrown dirt off herself. She pushed it away with her leg looking at it as if it would eat her here itself.

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