Chapter 7

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When she left the mosque it was already dusk. The lane was dark with just few street lights illuminating the narrow path. The huge houses around were all silent as if it were a part of some horror movie. She held onto the shawl and took hurried steps towards her destination.

But where was it?

She looked around not recognizing the surroundings. The darkness of the night had swept all the signs which lead to the temporary shelter she had these days.

She took a sharp turn when all she met was a hard wall. She was lost.



"When I said she shouldn't be out of this house then why did you let her go?"

He clenched his jaw looking visibly pissed. Sabahat didn't know what to say. She definitely didn't quite do what she was asked to.

"I can go and look for her sir. I..."

"No need. I'm going to do that on my own. Call me if she comes back on her own."

He said picking up his coat from the couch. Sabahat didn't dare open her mouth. Soon he was out of the site on a search hunt making Sabahat wonder why the girl was so important that he was going out of his way for her.


She couldn't risk going to an other side and getting some more lost if it was possible. As a kid she was always told by her sister that if she ever got lost she should stay put. Don't move so someone come looking at you.

Right now she wasn't sure if this theory will work but she was tired of everything. Sitting on a nearby berth she leaned against the wall behind when she heard the footsteps. Her heart leapt in her chest. The flashes of unknowingly known faces with menace written on their whole being swirled before her eyes. She immediately got up and was about to make a run for her life when the person stood under the street light.

She'd never thought seeing this person would be so comforting but here he was with fury etched on his face and arms folded on his chest. But all she felt was comfort. Nothing else.

"Do you understand some other language? When I told you to stay in the house why the hell did you come out?"

He was seething. She knew it. But she was in no state of saying anything.

"Now stop looking at me like a freaking dummy. Come! I'm taking you home."

He reached for her hand and she gave in without any protest. At this moment the warmth radiating from his palm was the only thing telling her she was safe. Those people were away. They won't get her.

He led her towards his place while she could only feel the reverberation of one word.


Did she have one?

May be she never had one.

But unknown to her she was going towards only that.


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