Chapter 17

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The house wasn't a foreign territory to him. He had spent a big chunk of his childhood here. But there wasn't one happy memory attached to it. They were scars. Scars he'd gotten when he had no fault whatsoever in anything.

But all this was in the past. He wasn't over it. But he wasn't sticking to it either. He'd done it for a long time and it gave him nothing. He was going to be a better version of himself. It wasn't a cakewalk. It won't ever be. But when anything in his life had been a cakewalk anyway? He'll survive. He always did.

Walking through the pavement he looked around at the garden surrounded him. He'd spent many evening here when he was just a boy. Some times the air inside of the house used to get way too overbearing and all he needed was an escape. An escape from his grandmother's cutting tongue. An escape from the complete family picture his father and Saliha along with their other children made. An escape from the attention and love Rohail and Abeer were getting in this house which he never got.

An escape from basically everything.

Escape had always been his safe place. He'd always sought it. But this escape had proved to be his downfall. He'd lost one real thing he'd ever known by going after the same escape. That's why he was here. There weren't many people in this world who cared for him. Those who did, he wanted to have a sound relation with them. He was aware that forgiving his father and Saliha wasn't going to come easy. He still had his shit load of problems with them but he was doing unjust to his siblings in all this. The two people who had no fault in the way life turned out to be and still he was an ass to them. He was here for Rohail and Abeer. Because he refused to be the person he was few days ago. He was going for a change and this was start.

Getting to live a past he'd left behind wasn't going to be easy but he was done being a coward. He was far better than that. His eyes roamed on the patio and landed on Abeer who was sitting on the wooden steps all lost in her thoughts. She heard the footsteps and looked up only to do a double take.


He mumbled looking at her with an awkward smile. She got up not saying anything.

"I...Left without any notice and I guess that was kinda rude."


She asked raising an eye brow.

"Yeah. It was definitely rude. So Here I'm just to ...apologize."

"You what?"

She was looking back and forth between him and Haseeb and then finally asked him.

"Tell me your boss isn't drunk."

"I'm not so sure myself to be honest."

Rayyan turned to Haseeb glaring at him.


Haseeb gave him a sheepish smile and shrugged his shoulders. Rayyan rolled his eyes and turned to a still confused Abeer.

"Look. I should've told you and Rohail that I won't be around for a day or two. You guys were with me in the hospital day and night and I'm thankful for that. So I'm sorry for making you guys think that I was an ungrateful prick which I wasn't intended to be. I just had to be...somewhere. It was important."

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