Chapter 8

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"Here it is."

Haseeb pushed the file containing all the information they needed about Regina in front of Rayyan. She wasn't easy to track down. Her dirty laundry was buried deep and the history was marred by her contacts. It was not a cakewalk to bring her truth out in front of everyone that behind the facade of running a fashion house, she was actually the master mind of a human trafficking business. The aspiring models were her easy targets. Those who come out of their houses with the dreams of getting a steady start in fashion industry but soon get trapped in to the webs of Regina Lee who forces them to sell their body. But now they were spreading it far and it was no longer restricted to models only. The business was the secret Regina won't ever want anyone to find out.

As Rayyan's eyes roamed over the pages his mind went back to the night he'd found Noor. That helplessness. He shook his to get rid of these thoughts.

"Regina has few higher parties wrapped around her finger so it will not be easy to trap her, sir. We'll need a fool proof plan so we know where to strike."

Rayyan nodded still immersed in the contents of the file. Regina Lee should've have thought before messing with him. Specially when she had so much at stake. He closed the file and leaned against his seat.

"And one more thing. I think she's soon to find out that girl is with you. She's trying her best to search her and it won't take her long to know that the girl is there in your house."

Rayyan nodded still looking deep in thoughts.

"Let her do what she wants to."

"But sir..."

Haseeb tried to interject when Rayyan raised an eye brow at him.

"I know what I'm doing Haseeb."

"Yeah. Anything else for me to do then?"

"No. I'll take control from here."

"Alright sir."

Haseeb got up and just as he was about to open the door to Rayyan's cabin his voice stopped him in his tracks.

"One more thing Haseeb."

Haseeb turned around with a question look on his face.

"She has a name. Noor."

If Haseeb was taken aback he didn't show. Nodding, he opened the door and left the cabin. Rayyan glanced at the closing door and then resting his head at the back of his seat closed his eyes. His calm exterior was nothing of an indication of the storm brewing within.

Noor was affecting him more than she should've and this was upsetting. He would have to get rid of this situation as soon as possible.


Izma rested her head against the pillow and closed her eyes. A lone tear rolled down her cheek. This wasn't what she'd thought to happen even in her nightmares. Her sister was God knows where while she was tied to her own bed in her own house. Her husband, if she should still call him that, was out to drop Maheen to school. The indifference in his stance was chilling her bones to the very core. This wasn't the Asim she'd known all her life. Now there was someone else at his place. Someone with not a single ounce of compassion and humanity in him. He'd left her all alone here to shed tears and curse her fate while he slept in the next room.

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