Chapter 18

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The day of the event was nothing short of busy. Not only for Noor but everyone who was associated with H & D. Ms Rameen was giving them all instructions on how they were going to approach people in the event telling them about the lives kids and women in few areas are forced to live. She was an avid worker for the organisation. Zirwa's whole clan was. Noor hadn't thought she could feel more respect towards these people but she did. They were doing so much for lives which were not their own. People who had no connection to them. Just a thread of humanity holding them together and Zirwa and her family was holding onto that thread with smiling faces and kind eyes.

Noor was sitting outside of the hall where the event was scheduled to take place. Her eyes were roaming on the faced ahead. Zirwa and Wahab were going through the guests list once more. Ms Rameen was instructing the event manager about the arrangements. She could see many others as well whom she didn't know.

That very moments she felt a responsibility she had never felt before. This was her chance of making someone's life better. If she could collect the amount of money they needed for the school, she knew the girls back home would be so happy. They wanted education. They cherished it. And Noor was going to win it for them. It was her promise to herself.


"You know what? I think I should've stayed home."

The car was running smoothly on the road along with the smooth conversation. The topic was the usual. Sports. And Abeer was as usual, bored.

Her complaint plucked no response from Haseeb and Rohail who were both immersed in a heated discussion over the latest football game. Rayyan who had tuned out the conversation long back smiled at her grumpy expressions.

He was smiling a lot lately. Specially when his siblings were around. But each time his lips curled up, he felt a tug on his heart strings. Even having his people around him couldn't make him forget the fact that there was bigger part of him with someone else.

And that someone had no clue.

He shook his head and turned to Abeer who was watching him curiously now. Much to his relief, Rohail had told him Abeer had no clue about her oldest brother's love life. Or lack thereof. But Rayyan knew his sister was good at joining the dots. She would soon figure it out on her own without having the need to eavesdrop on any conversation the way Rohail did.

"Are you okay, Bhai?"

She asked checking his face for any kind of discomfort. Was it that evident? The melancholy Noor's thoughts brought into him was that much present on his face? If it was, then he was really in for an interrogation from his sister.

"Yeah, I'm good. As much bored with the conversation as you are."

He whispered looking ahead. He was in the backseat with Abeer while Haseeb was behind the wheel and Rohail sat relaxed and very much chatty in the front seat.

"Why do I feel that there's something you are trying to hide? Not only from me but the whole world?"

He was right. She had seen through his facade of pushing his worries to the blank corner of his mind for a night.

"Why do you think so?"

"Question for a question. I do not like it. But yeah. It's no rocket science. I've been seeing the obvious signs and I never thought asking you was a good thing but now we are past that awkward phase, aren't we? So can I ask you what's bothering you?"

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