Chapter 10

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The light coming from the TV screen was giving the dark room a secretive look. Rayyan was seated on his couch playing with the remote with eyes focused on the headline and ears all set to the voice of the newscaster.

"The famous name in fashion and business world, Miss Regina Lee has issued an official apology to the multimillionaire, Mr. Rayyan Ahmed Khan aka RAK. The apology is for her behavior since past few months. We should tell you that she first started with the rumors of her and Mr Khan getting engaged. Then few days back, on the night of his award ceremony she pulled a stunt of kissing him in public. The rumor mill was in full swing calling them the new in couple, but the sources close to Mr Khan had revealed he was not happy on what Miss Lee had done. And tonight after almost two weeks Miss Lee has issued her apology. She is stating that she'd always liked Mr Khan but on finding him not interested, she became desperate. The sources also tell Mr Khan has called off all the business deals with Miss Lee. We can say the next big thing, as some hopeless romantics were calling it, is not happening or was never happening anyway."

His ice blue eyes were telling he was relieved. But his face was devoid of any expressions. The slow beep of his phone rang in the room. He unlocked it with a slight smirk on his face.

"I did my part. It's your turn now."

"N&E Hotel. Room no 401. Tomorrow evening. 5 PM sharp."

"Sounds good. See you soon with my loyal employee."

He sat there for few minutes just thinking. Then called the number he knew he would be using soon.

"Hello, Mr Commissioner. RAK here."


Asim was not someone to repent upon his deeds. He'd always been very true to himself. He knew he was no saint but what he didn't know was there was a devil within him somewhere. Trading Noor for few bucks was never in his wildest dreams. It was not even a possibility but when the question of his own blood was raised in front of him, he became weak. Noor was the only way to arrange for Maheen's operation expenses. He was in dire need of money and Sarmad promised him a lot. He had to give in. It was Maheen in question and he could trade even himself for her.

"Then why didn't you?"

A weak voice in his head shouted. He had never thought about the repercussions. Just gave in so that Maheen's treatment won't be delayed but now after facing everything he was hoping to avoid, here he was.



Without those people he claimed to love.

He hadn't thought this whole situation will take a turn like this. Izma wasn't supposed to know. But she did. And the sister in her had unleashed her wrath on him.

Somewhere he had started cursing the day he decided to use Noor for his own favour. It was frustration at first but then it changed into fury. The same fury in which he had tied his own wife to the bed just to save himself.

He wanted things to turn alright. He wanted them to be back to normal. What was with all the talks related to Noor? She was gone. Will doing all this to him bring her back. No. It was just a mess Izma was making of their lives. He would make her understand. Once she'd be out of her anger he would try.

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