Chapter 16

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Noor looked around at silent hallway and then turned back to gazing at nothing in particular. Her lips were continuously mumbling Duas while her hand was impatiently drumming the side of the chair. Adil was standing close to her while his mother was also seated nearby. Saboohi khala was in the prayer room since the time they had reached. All of them were waiting for the news. It'd been hours but still there was nothing from inside of the OT.

Zarnab had felt her condition getting bad in the evening. Adil had rushed towards main hospital of the nearby city. It was a premature delivery and a c-section was mandatory. On Zarnab's insistence Noor came along. She knew Zarnab needed all the support at the moment. The doctors were hopeful that no matter premature, but they'd be able to save both mother and child. It was comforting but still Noor was getting sick from worry.

Amidst all this her thoughts drifted towards the past. How quick time had passed. It felt like just yesterday Zarnab got married. Just yesterday when Noor didn't have a baggage of past hanging heavy on her shoulder. But now here they were. Zarnab was about to welcome a new person in her life and Noor prayed with all her might that this happiness come true for Zarnab.

As if on cue the door to the operation theater opened and the doctor with a kind smile came out of it.

"Thanks Almighty. Both the mother and baby are fine. Though we've kept the baby in incubator but other than that things are looking fine. It's a boy by the way. You'll be able to meet both of them once they are shifted to room."

A sigh of relief escaped Noor's lips along with words of thanks to Allah Almighty. She immediately turned towards the prayer room to give Saboohi Khala the news.


"Isn't he beautiful?"

Zarnab whispered looking at her new born baby. It had been almost a few days since she'd given birth and was now back home. The baby was doing fine and was the source of everyone's happiness at the moment.

"Yeah he is. He's got your nose."

Noor said touching his button nose softly.

"Yeah and Adil's eyes."

Zarnab commented looking at the way he was eyeing around. Noor had never seen anything this beautiful and pure since Maheen's birth. Babies were the most beautiful gift from Allah. That was Noor's belief.

"Have you thought of any name yet?"

"Nope. You name him."

Noor looked up at her friend surprised who just shrugged.

"Haven't forgotten the deal we made, have you? You get to name my first born and I get to name yours."

A pang of nothingness hit Noor right in the stomach. Zarnab looked at her stunned expressions confusedly when it dawned on her what Noor was thinking. In an instant Zarnab held her hand.

"Stop thinking rubbish. This isn't the end of life. You are gonna settle down somewhere down the line. There's so much for you in this world ,Noor. Don't give up like this."

"I wasn't thinking on those lines."

Noor averted her gaze.

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