Chapter 43

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Though Mr. Joseph was boring, Law was still one of my favorite classes. Today, however, it was interrupted before it began. Almost as soon as I took my seat, Mr. Joseph was rousing me back up.

"Noreena?" he called, and I looked up. "Mr. Corbin would like to see you in his office right away. Take your things."

I nodded and ducked my head as I scurried out of the class and students stared. My first summons to the principal's office. It was way more embarrassing than people made it look, and I felt a flutter in my stomach as I made my way to the office. I took a seat in the waiting area and bowed my head.

"Hey. Noreena, right?" I looked up to find Calin smiling at me.

Mr. Corbin called my name and then retreated into his office, saving me from having to reply. I nodded at Calin and followed Mr. Corbin into his office, pausing when I saw that Devland was there. The principal waved his hand towards one of the empty chairs in front of his desk, and I shook my head. Staying on my feet permitted a speedier escape, should I need it.

"Why am I here?" I asked, crossing my arms and dropping my bag to the floor at my feet. "Is it school policy to pull a student out of class, embarrassing them in front of the other students?"

"I suppose that you have seen the blue-skinned students by now?" Mr. Corbin asked. "The school will be lucky if we don't get sued."

"Nora, Mr. Corbin has reason to believe that you are responsible for emptying blue dye into the pipes yesterday so that when the students showered after practice, their skin was altered," Devland said from the shadows in the corner.

"Excuse me? I came home right after school. Just ask Mrs. Renaldi."


"Only my friends call me Nora. You, Mr. Corbin, can call me Noreena or Miss Fallyn, since this is not a pleasant conversation and you are not my friend," I said. I don't know where my backbone had been erected from, but I felt like I was being pinned against the wall and was forced to defend myself. "You cannot blame this little stunt on me. I wasn't here, and I wasn't alone."

"There are students who overheard you saying that the physical education at Grimas was a joke yesterday, and then only the athletes were affected by this prank. What do you expect me to believe?" Mr. Corbin splayed his hands out in front of him without expression.

"I expect you to be an intelligent enough person to deduce that it takes more than words to pull a prank. Was I seen near the pipes? No, of course not, since I wasn't there. Besides, since when is it a crime to have an opinion? The physical education at Grimas is a joke, and I make no apologies for stating the truth. That does not mean that I sabotaged the showers."

"Noreena, we just want to settle this issue," Devland said in what he must have thought was a soothing tone. I found it condescending.

"So, go and find who did it. It wasn't me."

"Do have proof of that?" Mr. Corbin pressed.

"Other than being at home with other people when it happened? No. Do you have any prove that I did?" I asked, making sure that my darting gaze landed on them both with equal measure. "You can't pin me to the wall for something I said."

"Well, no, but nothing like this has ever happened before."

"Well, then, I must be the culprit, right, Mr. Corbin? Gotta make the new student pay for her presence."

"Noreena." Devland chastised. "He is your principal, and you will apologize."

"No, Devland, I won't. You have been my father for less than a week, so don't think that gives you any rights to lecture me on attitude," I said, and he flinched. "My mother raised me to do things that are right, to stick up for myself when I'm wronged, and to speak the truth at all times. I will not forsake her guidance for your social standing. Do you have proof?"

Unbound (Unbound, Book 1) ~Formerly Casting Power~Where stories live. Discover now