Chapter Sixty-Six

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I woke up alone, feeling marginally better. My stomach wasn't rolling with every rock of each wave, but jerky movements and the idea of food wasn't pleasant. My body felt like I'd spent the night binge drinking: sluggish, drowsy, and nauseous. Every movement was an unconquered marathon I'd never win.

After a bit of a struggle and a couple of false starts, I sat up and looked around the room. Nobody was there, of course, as I was once again deserted. I vaguely remembered Maible and Calin, and then Calin and Duvessa disagreeing about breaking up. I recalled how he'd carried me to bed and held me so comfortably, our bodies a perfect fit.

So then why had I woken to find myself alone again?

Leaning against the plush pillows, I brought my knees into my chest while chewing on my already bitten fingernails. I noticed a glass of water and a note on the table as my gaze wandered around, trying to figure where'd they had gone without me. I picked up the note and saw a single pill beneath.


I went to find Maible before she finds Duvessa. Take the pill I left for you—it's safe, I promise. It will help your stomach, and I'll see you soon.

~ Calin

Maible went looking for Duvessa? Why? I sat up and quickly swallowed the single pill and tried to remember what piece of the puzzle I was forgetting. Maible had gone after Duvessa. Calin had gone after Maible so that Maible wouldn't find Duvessa. I'd gotten sick from medication that was supposed to make me feel better.

The little witch!

The pills had been switched to make me sick, I thought, and the rest fell into place. Of course, I had made it worse by thinking that a double-dose would be smart. Was it any wonder I still felt stoned?

I stood, testing how steady my legs were beneath me. Not perfect, but if I stayed where the walls could keep me upright, I might be able to find them before anything happened and diffuse everything before it blew up in our faces. Or in my face, since I seemed to be blamed for everything.

The hallway outside of the cabin was bare. I didn't need anyone watching as I stumbled around. The stairs seemed to grow the moment my foot perched on the bottom step. I grabbed the banister and hauled myself up, hand-over-hand, resolute to reach my goal. I could hear the chattering crowd on the upper deck before I could see it, and stayed close to the wall, willing myself invisible—if they couldn't see me, then they wouldn't be able to stop me. Or talk to me, which I dreaded just as much. I couldn't wait for the trip to be over so I could be on solid ground again, my equilibrium fully restored so that I could think clearly.

I made it all the way to the front of the boat before having to pause and rest, catch my breath for just a few moments before trudging on. I leaned my elbows against the railings and stared at the choppy waters below as the boat ploughed through the waves. It was hypnotic and oddly soothing despite my newfound affinity for motion sickness. The air was refreshing, the salty taste of the drops of water splashing up to invigorate my senses.

If I stayed here until we docked, I just might be able to make it home intact.

"I thought you were supposed to be sick," Duvessa sneered from behind me, and I turned just in time to see her air quotes. "Run out of condoms?"

All her friends—Meighan, Breena, and their boyfriends—laughed and nudged each other with unpleasant snickers. I cocked my head and studied her. It must be hard to be her, I thought. Always fake. Always feeling like you don't measure up until you'll do anything to get what you want. And then, because you've had a taste of it and don't want to let go, doing even worse to keep it.

Unbound (Unbound, Book 1) ~Formerly Casting Power~Where stories live. Discover now