Scotland x Fem!Dragon!Reader-Escape

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(A/n):Requested by PhoenixDropGamer , hope it's ok :)

Scotland-Allistor Kirkland

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I walk around the small village, a little way aways from the cave I live in. I need to get food for the week to I have to use my human form to disguise myself.

You see, I'm half dragon, my parents had a spell placed on them making any children they had half monsters. After I was born as a half-dragon they decided not to have any more children. Once I tuned 18 they kicked me out and I moved to a different village.

For my childhood I was always in human form, my parents tried to hide my dragon form so I was safe from dragon hunters. Now I prefer to stay in my dragon form, which is why I live away from the village to protect myself.

There is thick forests by my cave which no one can see through or above so it's perfect for flying and gathering food. No one seems to be suspicious of me either so I haven't had any run in with hunters.

When I'm in my dragon form I have a (f/c) medium sized body and wings, I'm not very strong but very agile. My wings are the strongest thing about me, they allow me to fly faster than most dragons and make quick turns.

So now I'm in the market place, with my black cloak and hood on trying not to draw attention to myself. I grab the eggs and vegetables I need, quickly paying and leaving the market place. As I leave I see a poster with a dragon on it.

It says a dragon has been spotted around here and there is a reward to bring its head to the king. Oh my god, how did they see me? I nearly drop my basket of food as I rip it down in anger. I need to go, I can't stay here any more...

I sneak into the forest, through the rocky plains and climb up the cliff to reach my cave. I take a few deep breaths, trying to head for any movement but there doesn't seem to be anyone who followed me.

I take off my cloak and pack a few things in a large bag before turning into my dragon form, holding the bag in my mouth and flying out of the cave. I fly north as there aren't any villages for a while.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my wing and when I look behind me an arrow has impaled itself in me. Another lands in my right wing, nearly bringing me down. I keep flying, trying to speed up but when one lands in my chest I loose my balance in the air and plummet to the earth.

I hit a tree before the ground which breaks my fall slightly. Once on the ground I revert into my human form to A.Protect myself from dragon hunters and B.Allow my dragon form to heal. If I get to injured in one of my forms I revert to the other so It won't get more damaged.

I hear the shuffling of footsteps and I panic, trying to scramble to my feet but my leg is bleeding to much. From out of the bush a man, about my age or a few years older with blood red hair, jade green eyes and large eyebrows,

"Oh my god." He whispers to himself as he rushes over to me "Are yo ok lass? Did that dragon do this to you?"

I nod, I need to lie to be safe.

"Alright lass, I'll take you to my home, it's not to far from here." He says picking me up bridal style

My bag has been lost somewhere but I can come back for it later. I lean into the unknown man's arms, feeling safe for some reason despite knowing he tried to kill me, except he doesn't know it was me.

He takes me to a small wooden hut, grass is growing over the top camouflaging it. I never such,d have seen this place flying over or even walking.

"Do you have a home?" He asks in a Scottish accent

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