Sweden x Norway-Running Away

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(A/n): This is an idea I had that instead of Finland running away with Sweden it was Norway. It's loosely based around FarbrorEstersPohkar's (YouTube channel) five part cosplay series of the Nordics and their past. It's really good and I definitely recommend watching it.

Denmark-Mathias Køhler
Finland-Tino Väinämöinen
Iceland-Emil Steilsson
Norway-Lukas Bondevik
Sweden-Berwald Oxenstierna

Third Person's P.O.V.
The Kalmar union, the union of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Finland and Iceland are both involved as well however they aren't the main countries. Denmark sits upon the throne, he is in charge of the other Nordic countries.

Of course this has led him to being arrogant, obnoxious and power crazy. Doing horrible things to those who oppose him. Iceland has already left the union, he became dependant on Norway and himself.

He has  been the only country able to leave, despite the other three wanting to escape Denmark's clutches. During the Viking times Sweden, Norway and Denmark were inseparable. They where all very close with each other.

Both Sweden and Denmark fell for Norway and each other knew it. After all how could they resist the mysterious boy with blond hair and blue eyes? Norway chose Denmark and has been held close to him ever since.

Norway no longer loves Denmark, his attention has been bought to someone else infuriating Denmark. Norway and Sweden are alway out riding together, or having a picnic or just simply spending time together.

Denmark is aware of the time they're spending together but there isn't much he can do about it without making Norway hate him and he knows this. Even so he won't give up Norway's love so easily.

Norway's P.O.V.
I pull my horse up against Sweden's and we look at the sun setting over the mountains. We turn to say something to each other and out lips softly graze one another's. My eyes meet his blue ones.

"It's beautiful." He says, looking at me

"Yes the sunset is so pretty." I reply

"I wasn't talking about the sunset." Berwald states, making me blush

"We shouldn't be doing this, if Denmark found out he'd kill you." I mumble, pushing away

"I don't care, I just want to be with you." He whispers,

"But after what he did to your citizens..." I reply quietly, hugging him back

Denmark had 100 Swedish citizens killed to send a message to Sweden. The day is a blur but I remember covering Iceland's ears and holding him close to me. Finland clung to us as well. It was a horrible day and has left all of us with mental scars.

"That only makes me want to defy him even more, I want to avenge my citizens." Sweden growls

We stay hugging each other for a while before deciding we should head back. As we pass through the gates of the mansion I see Denmark trying to hide behind a tree.

"Don't touch me or anything, Denmark's watching." I whisper

Sweden nods in response and we head to the stables to tie up our horses. Footsteps come in and Denmark is there, glaring at Sweden in anger.

"What's going on?" Denmark asks

"We went out riding, we were going to ask you to come but you where busy with meetings." I say calmly, no emotion on my face

"Come on Norway, let's go do something fun." Denmark says smiling

"Sorry, I need to go practise my magic." I mumble before walking out of the stables

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