Chapter 2

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"Look, I don't know why you have to go home." Peter said a little frustrated with his now fianceé.

"Because I haven't been home in five years." Baylee spoke quietly.

"So? That hasn't stopped you from going home before." Peter pointed out. "Just call them on the phone."

Baylee sighed. She didn't expect Peter to understand. "And say what?" She snapped at him. "Hi mom and dad it's your daughter that you haven't seen in five years. I just wanted to let you know that I'm engaged when you didn't even know I was dating anyone." Baylee said pretending to talk into a fake phone. "How would that feel if your daughter did that to you?"

Peter rolled his eyes. She could be so dramatic sometimes. "First of all, you obviously don't care about your parents if you left and haven't been home in five years. And second, I don't need to worry about that. Cause we won't be having kids.

Baylee felt tears form in her eyes. That stung. Both of the things he said. Baylee had always wanted kids. And what Peter had said about her parents hurt her. They may have not always seen eye to eye. But she still loved them.

"Oh come on Baylee. Don't start crying." Peter said. He tried to wrap his arms around her, only to have Baylee push him away. Peter sighed. He would never understand women. "I just don't understand why you have to go back to Washington. And why I can't go with you. That's all I'm saying." Peter trys to defend himself.

"I just think that I should go home for a visit before I tell them I'm engaged. I haven't seen them in so long." Its was a half truth. Baylee did want to see her family before telling them about Peter. But she also needed to finalize the divorce before Peter found out about Jacob.


Baylee packed her bag as Peter sat on the bed watching her. "Why are you packing so many clothes?" He asked a little annoyed. "I thought you were just going for the weekend, not a year."

"I don't know how long they want me to stay. We have five years of catching up." Baylee lied easily. It was getting easier and easier for her to lie. The real reason was she didn't know how long it would take to get Jacob to sign The dang papers.

"I still don't know why I can't go with." Peter said as he grabbed some more clothes out for Baylee to pack.

Baylee rolled her eyes at her future husband.  "Some things I need to do on my own. And I need you to trust me."

Peter sighed, as he raked his hand through his hair. "I do trust you Baylee. I really do." He spoke frustrated with his fianceé. She had been so distant since he proposed to her, and Peter didn't understand it. "Why can't I drive you to the airport?" He asked. "I would feel better knowing you were on an airplane, instead of driving across the country." Peter said to his future wife.

"I like driving." Baylee said grabbing her bag. "Plus it will give me time to think." Baylee shouldered her bag, only to have Peter take it from her. She smiled at him. "Thanks." She whispered to him.

"Call me when you get there. So I know you're safe. And please pull over if you get too tired." Peter gently kissed Baylee's lips. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." Baylee whispered as she kissed him one last time before getting into the car.

Baylee drove down the street knowing that this wad the biggest mistake she ever made. And after going back to La Push, her life would never be the same again.

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