Chapter 14

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We're like fire and gasoline.
I'm no good for you.
You are no good for me.
We only bring each other tears and sorrow.
But tonight I'm going to love you like there's no tomorrow.

Check out the song above for this chapter. I think its perfect. (I do good sometime haha)

The next morning Baylee tried to act cool. She didnt want Sam and Jake to know that she heard their whole conversation.

Baylee was crushed. She wanted to scream and cry. She didn't want Jake to give up the fight. But it was obvious that the stars didn't align and their imprint wasn't meant to be romantic. Baylee didn't blame him for wanting to give up the fight. Because she was done fighting too. They would always be friends. Best friends. But that was it.

"How are you feeling?" Jake asks sitting on the couch next to her, handing Baylee a plate of breakfast.

"Fine." Baylee says taking the plate of food from Jake. "Sarah and Seth ok?" She asked worried about her little sister and her imprint.

"Yeah they are fine." Jake says. He then looks at Baylee. "You sure you are fine?" Jake asks.

Baylee looked away. "I'm fine. Never been better." She lied. When in fact her heart was breaking. Into a million pieces. "I'm just worried about how Cullen is going to react." Which was true. Baylee didnt know what she would do if something happened to the pack.

"Don't worry about that." Jake said looking at Baylee. "Cullen and Bella divorced years ago." He tells her.

"And his daughter?" She asks still refusing to look at him.

"They will understand. She broke the treaty."

Baylee snorts. "Yeah they are good at breaking the treaty. Thats all they are good at." She says referring to all the times the Cullen's went against the rules.

Jake laughs. And its one of those throw your head back loud happy laughs. Baylee smiles at Jake. She would do anything to keep him happy like that. That was her job as his imprint. Was to make sure he was always happy no matter what.

Baylee loved Jake. And she knew that she couldn't stay here. She wouldn't be able to handle him being with another girl. But she would have too. Because Baylee loved Jake enough, that she just wanted him happy. Even if that wasnt with her.


Baylee had no idea that this too was killing Jake. He loved Baylee more than anything in the world. But he wanted her happy and safe. And the Only way to do that, was to keep her away from the supernatural world, and to let her marry the Dr.

Jake was done fighting. He thought he could change her mind. But he couldn't. Jake would always love Baylee. She was his first love. His imprint. The mother of his daughter. But in the end, love doesn't work out.

They would always love each other. But from a distance.


"Wanna go on a walk with me?" Jake asked Baylee.

Baylee looked at Jake. A piece of her wanted to say no. But the other side wanted her to say yes. Baylee fought with herself for a minute. But the imprint side of her won. "Let's go." Baylee said getting off the couch.

Baylee and Jake walk down the street, standing close to each other. Too close to each other to be friends. "Wanna go surfing?" Jake asked. "I still have your surfboard in the garage."

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