Chapter 6

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Baylee slowly walked up the driveway to Jacobs house. Baylee knew Jacob wouldn't answer the door for her. So she stuck the small class ring in an envelope with the papers, with a small note. The note said these four simple words:

Please sign the papers.

"How many of those does she have?" Jacob asks as he watched Baylee lay the papers down by the door.

Renesemee stood in the corner watching her boyfriend. "You still love her, dont you?"

The question took Jake by surprise. He didn't know how to answer it. He was totally confussed at how he felt. "No Ness. I only love you."

"Then why won't you sign the papers to divorce her?" Renesmee asked.

Jacob didn't know why he wouldn't sign the divorce papers. He didn't know if it was stubbornness, pride, or of it was because he still loved her. Jacob didn't answer Renesmee question, instead he stood in silence starring out the window as he watched Baylee make her way to the Uley house.

"You shouldn't have to choose between us." Renesmee growled. "When I ask who you love, you should be able to answer my question without missing a beat. And your answer should be that you love me."

Jacob closed his eyes. He was getting ready for another one of Renesmees fits. "That's the thing Ness. I can't answer that question. I can't answer it the way you want me to."

Ness sighed. "I guess its fine. We always make a mistake before we find our true love. That's why I chose you first."

"I love you Ness." He whispers as she walked out the door. Jacob could feel the imprint bound that he created with Ness break. He was no longer tied down to her.

Ness felt something inside her break, and it wasn't good. It was only a matter of time till she would be back, and she would be back.

Baylee walked through Emily and Sam's house. It brought back memories of all the time she spent here when she was phasing.  Baylee had kept in contact with everyone in the pack. Well besides Jacob.

"I'm home!" Baylee said as she walked through the door.

"Baylee!" Everyone chanted. Leah ran across the room and scooped up her best friend into a bear hug.

Leah and Baylee understood each other. They had both been heartbroken by someone they thought wad their soulmate. Just like Leah, Baylee no longer believed in imprinting.

"I'm so glad you're home." Leah whispered to her best friend. Even though Leah had mended things with Sam and Emily, it was still lonely without Baylee around.

"Ok. My turn!" Paul said hugging Baylee. Back in the day, Paul and Baylee were really close. They used to wreck havoc on their poor history teacher. "So it is true then." Paul said pointing out the ring on Baylee's finger. "That's a huge ass ring. Daddy's got money to be able to afford that!" Paul exclaimed as he looked at the ring.

Baylee laughed. "Yeah, daddy is a heart surgeon."

"Damn girl." Paul said laughing.

Baylee smiled sadly. She missed this. Being able to joke around with the pack. Being back at Emily's. She missed La Push. Baylee walked over to the kitchen. "Let me help you with the food Em." Baylee says as she starts flipping the burgers for her.

Emily smiled, she was greatful for the help. "Its nice to have you back. Jacobs new girl never volunteers for anything."

Baylee rolled her eyes. "Yeah I met her. She doesn't seem all that great."

"Oh she is the worse!" Leah exclaimed. "All she does is sit on her butt and want to be pampered. She never helps with the cooking. And she consently bitches. She bitches everyone. Me, Paul, Sam, Emily, and especially Jacob. I can't go on patrols any more with Jake. Because the last time I did it resulted in a few broken bones."

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