Chapter 14

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Jake paced back and forth of the Uley home. "Is she going to be ok?" He asled for the millionth time.

Jake was starting to drive Emily mad. She knew that he couldn't help it. But she had already told him that Baylee would be fine. "Are you sure that no damage was done to her organs? Is she breathing ok?" Jake asked.

Emily looked at Sam. "Will you slap him please." She mumbled to him. This only caused Sam to laugh at his fianceé. "Jake, Baylee is fine. No need to worry. She just needs some rest, and then she will be fine." Emily said.

Jake nodded as he walked back over to his imprint. He gently brushed her hair from her face with his thumb. He couldn't help but hate himself. He let this happen. He left Baylee alone, and this is what caused her to be attacked. He might as well have just attacked her.

A small knock on the door, caused everyone to stiffen. It was the scent that had attacked Baylee. A small body walked through, trying hard to hide her face from them all. "Jake?" The small girl asked. She then looked at Baylee. Hatred burned in her eyes, and soul. Well if she had one. "What happened here?" She asked with fake worry, and a smirk on her face.

This cause Jake to go unglued. He quickly spun around and shoved Renesmee up against the wall. "You did this to her!" He screamed angrily. "You attacked her!"

To say that Renesmee wasn't scared for her life, would be an understatement. Nobody had ever seen him this angry. Not when he first phased. Or when Baylee left him. "I didn't mean too!" Renesmee chocked out, and Jacob was cutting off her air supply. "I just wanted to talk, and Baylee took it too far."

An animalistic growl erupted from Jake's chest. "What do you mean?" He snapped.

"I tried to get her to leave. I wanted to make myself clear that you were mine, and I was sick of her messing around with you. Baylee freaked out, and attacked me." Tears stung her eyes as she lied.

"Then why is my imprint bleeding and unconscious if you only talked?"

Renesmee was taken back by this. "But I'm your imprint." She mumbled. Jake shook his head. "If I'm not your imprint, then why did you cheat on her with me?" Renesmee yelled.

"Renesmee, we stole a couple of kisses. But that's it. It meant nothing to me. And I wish I could go back and change what I did."

Tears were flowing down Renesmee face now.

"Get out of here Renesmee. And don't come back. The treaty is no longer in favor with you. And if I even catch your scent within five hundred miles of Baylee, I will kill you. Just like I killed your mother." Jake snapped. "Now go. Before I kill you."

Leah and Paul looked at Jake. "Your just gonna let her go?" Paul asked.

Jake shook his head. "No. Go get her."

Leah and Paul smirked at each other. "Gladly!" They said at the same time and walked away. To end the vampires life.

It wasnt too long after that, that Sarah and Seth came to the house. "Is she ok?"

"Fine just tired." Jake said. He hadnt taken his eyes off of Baylee since Renesmee left. And he wasnt planning on it. "What are you doing here?" Jake asked.

"I was worried about Baylee." She mumbled standing on the other side of her sister.

"I did a premiter check. I caught Renesmees scent." Seth said. He hadnt heard what had happened.

"Yeah. We already took care of it." Sam said. "And by we. I mean Paul and your sister." He says.

Baylee slowly opened her eyes. "What. The. Hell." She mumbled as she looked around.

Jacob breathed a sigh of relief. She was ok. "How do you feel?" Jake asked her.

Baylee shook her head. "This feels worse than any hangover I have ever had." She told them honestly.

This caused the whole pack to chuckle.

"Baylee, I need you to tell me what happened?" Sam said as he sat on a stool next to Baylee.

"I was waiting for you guys to come home. When I heard a thump in the living room. I thought it was Jake, so I went to the room. Only to find a vampire. She lunged at me, and I quickly jumped out of the way. I then fell back onto the coffee table, and it broke. After that I ran into the kitchen. I knocked over the stools in hope that she would trip. I grabbed a knife, and sliced her cheek. But the vampire grabbed me and drug me outside. I kept trying to phase, but I couldn't."

"Nothing like that will ever happen to you again." Sam said. "We are going to have you sleep on the couch tonight, just so Emily can watch your vitals." He said.

Baylee nodded. "Sarah, go home. You need to pretend that you had a fun time at prom, and you weren't here the whole time." Baylee said. She then looked at Seth. "Please don't let anything happen to her." She tells him.

Seth nods. "I won't leave her side tonight."

Baylee smiled. "Thanks Seth. I appreciate it."

Jake scooped Baylee up with ease, and carried her towards the couch, where he gently laid her down. He then sat on the floor, Baylee then rolled over and wrapped her arms around his neck. She fell back to sleep almost instantly.

"You need to do what's best for her Jake." Sam told him. "I know you love her, but you gotta think about what's best for Baylee."

Jake nodded. "I know." He whispered. "I want her happy. I want her safe. And I don't think I can give that all to her. I couldn't even keep her safe today." Jake frowned. "Worse imprint in the world."

"I think I have you beat there pal." Sam said.

"Maybe it would be best if I let her go. I don't deserve her anyway." Jake said. "Maybe I should stop being such an ass, and sign the papers. I can't give her what she needs." Jake felt sick as he said these words. "I hoped that I could change her mind this week. But I think it might be best to let it be." Jake said looking at Sam.

Sam didn't want Jake to give up this easily. But he would support him. "If that's what you want." He whispers.

Jake nodded. "It is what I want."

They jad no idea that Baylee could hear every word they just said.

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