Lollipops - Chapter 30

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"So, did you complete the homework Professor McGonagall assigned us last night?" Lily curiously asked.

Lily and Naomi were seated in the Transfiguration classroom. The desks were displayed in pairs of two, and Lily and Naomi were sat together, with five minutes to spare before the class started. In the meantime, they made light, pleasant conversation.

"Yes, I completed it. Though, it took me four hours!" Naomi exclaimed, and Lily nodded frantically.

"Same here! Let's just be glad we're not the Marauders—with the exception of Remus, of course. I overheard them speaking of how they were too lazy to do it. Can you believe them? The nerve! They're going to be on the receiving end of Professor McGonagall, hence why I'd hate to be them at the moment."

Naomi nodded thoughtfully at Lily's words. She sighed, "To be honest, the only reason I did do the homework was because I didn't want to be on the receiving end of Professor McGonagall."

To Naomi's surprise, Lily laughed. She laughed right along with her, though.

Their laughter ceased down when they noticed that students began to trickle inside the classroom. The Marauders and the girls were one of the last to arrive. Just as usual, when they entered the classroom, Sirius and James sat together, Peter and Remus sat together, and Dorcas and Alice sat together. Though, this left a more than ticked off Marlene to find someone else to sit beside.

Upon noticing that she didn't have her friends to sit with, Marlene narrowed her eyes and looked around with crossed arms, taking in her options to sit beside. The choices weren't too pleasing though, and Marlene didn't take this well. As a result, she stormed over to Lily.

"Lily, we always sit together!" Marlene hissed, blatantly ignoring Naomi as she looked at Lily through slits as eyes.

Lily groaned at her close friend.

"Marls, just sit beside someone else. It's not too much of a deal."

Marlene stared at her red haired friend for a moment before reluctantly turning away. Much to Naomi's befuddlement, though, Marlene cast Naomi a very subtle, though still noticeable, glare. Naomi frowned at the girl, who opted to sit directly behind herself and Lily.

At last, Professor McGonagall trailed after the students, closing the door with a wave of her wand.

"Good morning, class," the Professor brusquely greeting her students, reaching the front of the classroom. "Mr. Arvin, please go around and collect the homework that I assigned to everyone yesterday afternoon."

A student from the back of the classroom stood up and made his way through all the desks, collecting the papers. More often than not, he came up empty handed. When he handed the stack of homework back to the Professor, it was noticeably lighter than it should've been.

Professor McGonagall peered at the class through her semi-circle glasses. Her lips were pressed into a white, thin line.

"Class, incomplete homework is completely unacceptable in Hogwarts, and I thought you would know that by now. All of this is in preparation of your NEWTs..."

Naomi, alongside the rest of the class, sighed at the mention of their tests. Being the student that she was, she likely would've listened to the lecture, had it not been for the burning feeling in the back of her head. Slowly, she turned around, and was bemused to be met with a piercing stare from Marlene.

Marlene was staring directly at her. When Naomi turned around and their eyes met, Marlene raised a perfectly arched eyebrow before looking back up at the Transfiguration professor.

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