Lollipops - Chapter 43

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"So, you mean to tell me, you had a deathly disease for years, were expected to die in less than two months, got cured just three days ago, and I'm only finding out now?" James asked Naomi in a baffled voice.

Naomi sheepishly winced. "Yes, but to be fair, I didn't tell Peter either,"

James scoffed, looking at her incredulously above his glasses.

She couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle. Currently, her and James were sitting alone at the Black Lake, lazily dipping their feet into the lake and chatting amongst themselves. The rest of the group; Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, Alice, Remus, Peter, and Sirius, were all eating lunch. However, James and Naomi had both decided that they weren't hungry, simply choosing to calmly sit and talk.

"What're you laughing for?" James suspiciously asked her.

Naomi shrugged. "Nothing, really, I'm just really happy."

"Why's that? Is it Sirius?" James slyly asked.

She slightly blushed and shook her head. "Yes, but it's not just him. It's all of you guys,"

"Aww, I'm touched," James pretendedly placed his hands on his cheeks and gasped.

"Stop!" Naomi laughed, lightly pushing his shoulder.

James retaliated by grabbing her in a neck-hold and ruffling her hair, fondly smiling as he said, "You're kind of like the little sister I never had; so easy to pick on, yet so loveable."

"James," Naomi shrieked. "I'm not Sirius, let go of me!"

In the midst of their friendly banter, a younger boy came up to the pair from the castle and walked up to them.

"Excuse me," the boy said to them, causing James to let go of Naomi and curiously glance at the boy.

"What is it?" James lazily asked.

Naomi cast him a look. The boy was clearly nervous.

"Professor Dumbledore has sent me to get Naomi Serdeys to come to his office," he said in a light voice. "Here," he handed Naomi a piece of parchment.

Before they could ask further questions, the short boy ran off.

"That's weird," James scratched his head.

Naomi nodded in agreement but said nothing, choosing to open the letter. She read it aloud:

"Ms. Serdeys,

Please head down to my office once you receive this letter. This is not regarding the events of last night, but it is still something of much importance. On another note, I adore lemon drops.

Yours Truly,
Professor Dumbledore."

There was a slight silence, before James asked her. "What do you reckon he wants you for, then?"

Of course, James had already been told of what had happened last night, which was why he wasn't confused.

"I don't know," Naomi admitted. "I'll just have to find out."

With that, Naomi stood up and began to head in the direction of the castle. As she walked through the corridors and by the students, she couldn't help but ponder what other reason Dumbledore would want to see her, other than to discuss the events of last night.

Before she knew it, she was already in front of the two gargoyle statues protecting his office.

"Password?" One of the statues said in a cool voice.

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