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-Avril's POV-

I pulled my short brunette hair up into a bun hawk hairdo, not caring if it looked sloppy. I threw on a pair of jean booty shorts, and a shirt that depicted a cartoon panda. I don't bother on looking in the mirror; I don't like to see myself. I knew I was ugly, I knew I wasn't completely fit, but it hurts to have to constantly be reminded.

That is why my brother and his friends tease me. They know how it affects me, but they tease anyways. And that teasing lead my pack to tease me. Being a werewolf, that teasing made me the omega of the Moon Bane pack.

"Avril, come on, we've got to pick up Landon! Get your fat butt down here!" My brother, Aden called. He always called me fat and ugly, even in front of my parents, who don't think twice of it. I had to take constant bullying because of him being the popular kid in school, and what he does, everyone else does.

"One minute Aden, I have to put on my chap stick!" I replied, grabbing my cherry lip gloss, and slathering it on my lips.

"No amount of makeup will make you pretty, so come on!" Aden called back. With each insult he said, a small, subtle shock went down my skin.

I sighed, running downstairs, to see Aden waiting impatiently by the door. I've always envied him. He eats everything, doesn't exercise, but has a better metabolism than me. I barely eat, I run all the time, yet I gain weight! He got the shiny blond hair, and jade green eyes, but I'm struck with the dull black hair, and boring blue eyes. Blue! Every human has blue or brown, but no, not Aden. I don't care if werewolves don't usually have blue eyes, I hate them.

"Bye mom, we're going to drive Landon to school!" Aden called, before shoving me my backpack, and walking out. I slipped on my knee high converse, before running after him.

Landon is my brother's best friend. They've known each other since they were pups, and do everything together. Landon is the alpha's son, and soon going to get the title as alpha.

I ducked into Aden's car, buckling up as Aden floored his way towards the pack house.

"Aden?" I asked in a small voice, after what seemed like awhile.

"What?" Aden snapped, focusing on the road. I shrunk back instinctively, afraid I'd be smacked for speaking aloud.

"Has Landon found his mate?" I continued.

When a wolf reaches the age of 16, they usually find their mate. For some reason or another, their mate usually lives in the same town, occasionally the next town over.

Landon's 16th birthday is today, the day he's supposed to find his mate. I'm only a year younger than Landon and Aden, so there is a chance I could be his mate. But its a slim, microscopic chance. We'll know today, because when Landon sees his mate, he'll know.

He'll catch her scent, and follow it until he finds his mate. The female mate usually doesn't know until they touch the male. When they come in physical contact with their mate, they are rewarded with shocks, and their mate's scent.

"No. What are you, stupid on top of fat and ugly?" Aden snapped in a poisonous voice. He was in an extra pissed off mood today.

"O-oh. I was just wondering." I replied. Landon's house, the Moon Bane pack house, is in view.

"Look, Avril. I know you have your stupid little crush on Landon, but don't dilute yourself into thinking he might be your mate, okay?" Aden snapped harshly, before we reached the door. Aden knocked, which was immediately answered by Landon. He looked at Aden, a smile stretched on his face.

"Ready to go, bro?" Aden asked.

"Happy B-day Landon." I said sheepishly.

Landon nodded, before looking to me. His eyes go wide, his body stiffening up. He looked almost terrified of my presence. I scoffed, knowing it was another way of him bullying me. Before I could keep myself from speaking, I snapped at my future alpha.

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