Chapter 10

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-Avril's POV-

I haven't seen Landon since Wednesday night, when he ran off into the woods. Gage had told me they brought him back, but I have yet to see him. Even at school.

When my alarm clock went off, indicating that it was Saturday morning, I smacked it, jumping out of bed easily. I pulled on a pair of red exercise shorts, and a gray spaghetti strap tank top, which only went to my belly button. I threw my hair into a bun, before throwing on sandals. I stalked to Gage's room, pounding on his door. since he was most likely asleep. I was probably the only one who was awake at 5:30 in the morning, but Gage knew my routine. A groggy Gage cracked the door open, sticking his blond head out.

"Yes, darlin?" He asked with a lopsided grin.

"Best be wide awake, because I need your help getting ready for today's training. I feel asleep before I could do it all." I shot.

Gage groaned, before slamming the door in my face. I frowned, pounding on the door again. Gage knew not to play games, because it only takes up more time.

"Let me get changed, gawd dang, Avs!" Gage yelled through the door. "Just wait for me down in the living room."

I shrugged, before walking away from the door. Before I was five steps away, I heard a thud, followed by a series of curses. I giggled. Gage tripped trying to speed dress again. I ran down the stairs, about to plop down onto the couch, when I froze. There, standing at the kitchen counter, was Landon. He was leaned over the counter, his head bowed. His black hair was spilled down on his head, his breathing coming out in pants. After a minute of silence, I spoke up.

"H-Hey." I whispered.

Landon jumped, before slowly turning to me, his eyes full of sadness. What was he sad about. I longed to fix his hair, to get rid of his sadness...NO! What am I thinking?

You know you want to...My wolf said.

"Hey." He muttered, looking as if he were about to cry.

I mustered up the courage to come closer to him.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" I asked him.

Landon stiffened the closer I got to him.

"Why do you care? Why don't you go run back to your precious Gage? I'm pretty sure he'll give you attention." Landon spat.

I jumped back, wincing at the venom in his words. Why the sudden attitude? What did I do? And that's exactly what I asked him.

"What did you do? What did you do? You rejected me, after I died from making that mistake. I got what, a month of sleep over two years! I pretty much died when you ran away. I looked everywhere, I contacted anyone I thought you'd go to, but it was no use. I want to make it right, I want to start over, but you reject me for Gage. Every. Single. Fucking. Time. You don't give me a chance." Landon threw up his hands, giving out a humorless chuckle. "I give up, Avril. Gage can have you, I don't want you if you don't want me."

It felt like that day two years ago, when I left. An invisible force hit me, seeming to stop my heart for a moment, before forcing me to crumple to the ground. I let out a small scream, clawing at my chest.

"Shit, Avril, whats wrong? Where does it hurt, Avs? Avril!" Landon gasped, dropping down next to me. Worry was clear in his eyes.

"Get...Away...from me. Your fault...You rejected me...Again." I breathed out between the shots of pain.

A knowing look dawned on his face. "I wasn't rejecting you. My wolf was confused. I take back my rejection."

As if he had flicked a button, the pain ceased. I flattened to the ground, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"Don't ever reject me, on a Saturday. That's the training day, and for that moment, you paralyzed me." I snapped.

"Gage said 8 sharp, not 6:30." Landon muttered.

Oh my god, Gage! I snapped up, looking around me.

"How long can Gage take to just throw on clothes, and get his ass down here?" I muttered to myself.

Landon growled. Apparently what I said was enough to invoke his wolf.

"Why would Gage have to put clothes on? Are you cheating on me?" He asked, his eyes flashing a feral gold.

A familiar male laugh came from the doorway. I looked up with a grin, to see Gage, standing in his work out clothes. He wore basketball shorts, and white tank top, which showed off his tan skin.

"She'd have to be with you, to cheat." Gage laughed. "Need help, Avs?"

Gage walked over to me, shoving Landon away. I took the outstretched hand in front of me, letting Gage pull me up.

"You should be ashamed, Landon. You try to jump Avril as soon as she's downstairs." Gage says to Landon, disappointment in his sarcastic voice.

"I wasn't! I-"

"I know, I'm just needed someone to blame. A banshee," Gage coughed my name. "Came screaming through my door to wake up."

I laughed at his description of what happened a few minutes ago.

"Come on. I need to get set up. I would've done it last night, but the twins literally tackled me and forced me to go to bed. Stupid twins." I muttered.

Landon growled again, this time louder, as his eyes flashed a gold. His wolf wasn't very happy, now was he?

"Mine." Landon growled under his breath.

I shook my head, sighing. Today was going to be a long day.


I know, I know, its not much, but I really wanted to get this part out there.

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