Chapter 9

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-Avril's POV-

Gage lunged at Landon, pinning him to the ground. Gage put his hands around Landon's neck, but before he could choke him, I spoke up. I didn't need these two fighting in my room. I didn't want blood on my carpets.

"Gage, he didn't do anything. Calm down." I told Gage.

Gage stopped, turning to me.

"Then why were you screaming?" He asked. "And why are you in your bra and panties?"

"Was I drunk last night?" I shot back.

Gage's shoulders stiffened, and he dropped a nod. He must've known where I was going with this.

"I didn't believe him, so I was screaming at him." I replied. "Now, both of you, out. I want to take a shower."

Reluctantly, Gage got off of Landon, both of the boys walking out. As soon as the door closed, I raced forward, locking it. After getting dressed in a peach half-shirt tank top, and jean shorts, I threw on a white belt. I walked out of my room, and down the stairs. In the living room, Landon and his group of friends sat, playing some sort of card game.

"Whatcha playin'?" I asked in an overly girly voice.

They all looked up at me, and froze. All of their jaws hit the floor. All of the guys gawked, except for Aden, who was growling at them.

"Stop it! I don't want to hear all of your thoughts about fucking my sister!" He growled.

"Okaaay then. That is my cue to leave." I said, pointing towards the garage. Aden turned to me.

"Sorry about them, but really? You just had to wear that?" He asked.

"I'm going to look for a job. I'm bored of y'all." I shrugged, before walking out.

I drove around for a while on my bike, before spotting a mechanic shop with a help wanted sign in the door.

"Pearce's Auto Shop," I read. "Its worth a shot."

I parked my motorcycle, before walking in. No one was to be found, but I could hear a radio, and the sound of someone working on a car.

"Hello?" I called, walking towards the noise of the radio. A guy had his head under the hood, as he worked on the car.

"Um..Excuse me?" I said.

The guy jumped up, bumping his redhead in the process. I rushed over to him.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" I asked him.

He looked up, his brown eyes widening at the sight of me.

"Whoa." He muttered under his breath, before raising his voice. "Yeah, you're fine...Er, I mean, I'm fine..."

I laughed at the guy's uncomfort. I guess this guy found me attractive.

"You the owner?" I asked him.

The boy nodded.

"Name's Ryan Pearce Jr. How can I help you?" He asked, a slight blush on his cheeks.

" still have a job open, right?" I asked.

The guy raised his eyebrows. Was it that hard to believe I can work on cars? "You good with cars?" He shot.

I nodded. "I have my bike outside, all custom. From the handlebars, to the engine, me and my friend fixed it up."

The guy raised his eyebrows even higher.

"Anything you're specifically good at?" He shot.

"Well...I'm okay with paint jobs, and I know a little about cars." I shot back.

Avril | Completed ✓Where stories live. Discover now