Chapter 20

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(Hey, sorry about the confusion, I combined two chapters in the beginning, so it made the story one chapter shorter, I'll plan to fix it if its too confusing...)

-Avril's POV-

"Shit." I muttered, staring at my mother's name on the screen. "If she finds out I'm not only back, but mated and pregnant, I'm dead."

Landon nodded, a knowing look flashing in his eyes.

"They already hate me.They'll hate me more and when they find out..." His eyes went to my round stomach. "Your dad will go for the Wolf-bane gun."

I laughed, at the thought of my dad, the same dad that used to play barbies with me when mom had to work, holding a gun. It seemed out of character. My dad just wasn't scary.

"I'm sorry, but I can't picture that and find it scary." I said between giggles.

Landon shook his head, letting out a chuckle. "Yeah, its the gun that's scary, not your dad."

I sobered up from my giggling. "Can we reschedule it, with a different doctor?" I asked him, my fingers trailing down Landon's arm.

Landon nodded, and began clicking and typing away on the computer. After what seemed like 10 minutes, Landon's head shot up, his black eyes locking onto my own.

"There. I changed the date and doctor. It scheduled the appointment for Friday. Plenty of time to go and tell your parents." Landon winced at the last sentence, as he stood up from the leather computer chair. His hand slid into mine, as I dragged him towards the door.

"Lets get it out of the way, give them a week to warm up to you before we know whether its a baby boy or girl, or both." I said, which was rewarded with a groan from Landon. He must really not want to explain to my parents. "Please?" I asked, fluttering my eyelashes.

Landon scratched the back of his head with his free hand, before caving and agreeing.

"Yay!" I said, a bounce in my step added, thanks to my wolf.

"If you get anymore hyper, you'll hurt it." Landon stated, nodding his head at my round stomach.

I humphed, but listened to Landon, calming down my wolf. I have no reason why, but my wolf is especially happy when she gets to control what Landon and I do. Once, when I asked Landon if we could watch TV while he was on the Xbox, he caved, agreeing, and then my wolf made me feel ecstatic.

Its because the male usually has control. My wolf told me.

Well that's stupid. Like I ever listen to people... I replied.

Avs, stop arguing about who has control, please. Landon's voice entered my mind.

I don't want to, cuz if I do, she wins this argument. I whined.

Stop it. I DO have control. And I tell Landon when to cave and agree, only because it makes both of you happy, so stop arguing like babies. Landon's wolf's voice entered my mind.

She started it! My wolf and I said at the same time.

I pouted, crossing my arms. Landon looked at me, before throwing his head back and laughing.

"You are such a kid." He said, shaking his head.

"I know, but you love me." I replied, sticking my tongue out at him.

-Landon's POV-

As Avril and I walked up the steps to her old house, I squeezed her hand, more for myself than for her. But she looked up at me, flashing me a nervous parody of a smile. I squeezed her hand again, looking her eyes as I reassured her.

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