Chapter 2

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-Avril's POV-

*Two Years Later*

I walked out of the school, shuffling through the crowd, to my silver motorcycle. I put on my helmet, starting up the motorcycle, leaving campus. Once I reached home, I opened the door, to see the twins running towards me.

"Avril, you're back! Is there anything you need?" Jesse asked me, blinking his hazel eyes.

"Here, let me carry that." Shane said, grabbing my backpack from my hand.

Shane and Jesse never did things for others, unless they wanted something, had bad news, or want to apologize for something. I'd learned that soon after I came to be a part of the Nightshade pack, which was two years ago.

"Okay, what did you do? Did you turn all my socks pink again?" I asked, folding my arms and raising an eyebrow.

They looked at me, before sharing a glance at each other.

"Um..Avril, we Um...GAGE EXPLAIN TO HER, SHE'S GIVING US THE 'TELL ME' LOOK!" Jesse cried in a scared voice.

Gage came racing down the stairs, sunglasses on his head. He saw me and stopped, looking down.

"Avril, um..I'm so sorry if you hate me afterwards, but...I accidentally told the Moon Bane pack we're having a rogue problem, and they agreed to share the extra territory they have...if our famous wolf trainer trained their wolves to fight." Gage said, the whole time looking down, like a scolded child.

It took me a minute to realize what he said. We're going to the Moon Bane pack! Oh, shit. And worse, I'm the wolf trainer of Nightshade. Meaning I had to teach the people who bullied me how to fight.

"I-Its alright. I-I...I'll just deal with it. After all, they may not recognize me. Hell, I barely recognize me when I look in the mirror. But I have some questions." I said in a trembling voice. I am not going to break down. I will not cry.

"Like?" Gage asked, leading the twins and I to the couch, where Silas and Derek waited. They looked up when I approached.

"So, you know?" Derek asked.

I nodded.

"Okay, what are your questions." Gage said.

"How long will we be there?" I asked.

"A year at most." He answered

A year?! How will I survive?

"Um...Is Landon..." I asked, choking on my words.

"Still in the pack, wanted to rip his head off when I talked to him about it over the phone."

"Lastly, I have a rule or two." I said.


"I'm leading the way to the pack house, but I...I don't want them to know its me, until we get to school. Embarrassment for an embarrassment. You won't mention my name." The guys nodded. "And lastly, I'm going to get a job, so I'm not living with you guys for free.."

Jesse cheered. "Yes, I heard Moon Bane had hot femme's! I mean, look at Avs, they called her ugly."

I slapped Jesse. "Ow!"

"No mentioning 'hot femmes' when around me, okay?" I asked, giving him the puppy-dog eyes.

"Fine.." They really were kids sometimes, but my boys will be boys. How was I lucky enough to meet them?

"When are we going?" I asked.

All the guys shared a look. They jumped up, pointing in the air and saying at the same time, "WE LEAVE AT DAWN!"

I just shook my head and laughed. Like I said, my boys will be boys.

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