Chapter 15

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-Avril's POV-

I cautiously made my way to my room, changing into a new pair of clothes. I threw on leopard print short shorts and a bumblebee-yellow jacket over a black tube top that was slightly too small around the breasts. I teased and hair sprayed my hair into a suicide roll, before walking out of my room. My windbreaker covered most of my mark, leaving from my fingers to my elbows exposed.

I cautiously made my way through the halls, stopping at the base of the stairs. At the bottom, staring directly at me, was Gage. His eyes flicked to my arms, his face taking over by a look of sadness.

"Hey." I said, looking anywhere but him.

"Hey." He replied back, his voice barely a whisper.

"Whose down there?" I asked him in a shaky voice.

"The twins, Derek, Silas, Aden, his friends...Landon." Gage growled Landon's name, though he sounded hurt.

"Gage..." I muttered, taking a few steps down the stairs, but Gage flinched, before running towards the door.

I all but collapsed on the stairs, my head in my hands. By being Landon's mate, Gage doesn't want to be around me. Why did he not want me with Landon? Its not like I'm his mate...

"Av, are you okay?" It was Landon. His tone became panicked. "Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you? Where does it hurt?"

I looked at him, tears shining in my eyes. He was crouched in front of me, a pained look planted on his face. The same look Gage gave me the other day.

"Gage doesn't want to be near me anymore. He's like my brother, yet he runs." I sobbed, as I clutched onto Landon's shirt.

Landon rubbed my back as I sobbed, speaking soothing words to me. Once it seemed like I couldn't cry anymore, I pulled back, looking Landon in the eyes.

"Come on, lets go downstairs." Landon said, pulling me up. I let him lead me downstairs, as I wiped my eyes.

I bolted to the kitchen, my throat dry from crying. I grabbed the first drink I could find; I poured the can of sprite into a cup, before gulping it down. I could hear the guys yelling, and well, being guys from the kitchen, so I decided to see what they were yelling over.

I then walked over to the guys, plopping down on the crowded couch, on Landon's lap. They were all on separate Xboxes, several TVs on the floor, or mounted on boxes as they all played Call Of Duty or whatever. Alek, who was sitting next to me, looked at Landon and I out of the corner of his eyes and froze.

"Oh shit, Avril, you let him MARK YOU?!" He yelled. Everyone went quiet, turning to Landon and I. I wanted to disappear. Aden glared at Landon. Looks like Aden's big brother protective gene is finally kicking in.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do, Alpha." Aden growled. "First off, what did you two bet, and who won?"

I hesitated, while Landon answered for me. I couldn't get my voice to work anyways, after Gage.

"Whoever pinned who got a specific reward. Avril wanted me to admit that I'm a weak horrible Alpha blah blah blah...And if I pinned her, she'd leave Nightshade...and be my mate." Landon hesitated at his reward.

Aden, the twins, Derek, and Silas looked pissed off.

"You bet yourself over a stupid fight? Are you retarded, Avril?" They all yelled.

"Gage said the same thing...And now he hates me." I said grimly, looking at the carpet. I fought tears, hoping they'd just accept it, and not act like Gage.

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