Chapter 16

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Dedicated to Starwood91 for being the first person EVER to comment on this book. Thanks for commenting with your support, even though it was just two words! Lol, two words is enough to make me happy.

-Landon's POV-

As I lead Avril out to the garage, I noticed the blush on her cheeks. What were they talking about? I had recognized Annabelle and Korra, two newer members of my pack, but they never hit off as anything other than normal girls.

"What were they talking to you about?" I asked her as soon as we got into the garage.

"They were asking who marked me, so I told them, and then they quickly moved onto the topic of kids."

I couldn't help to let out a chuckle when my wolf started purring. I should've figured that was what they said to Avril that made her red.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say they want the baby for themselves." I said, still chuckling.

"I had to listen to them all asking when we were going to-" I cut her off, afraid of how my wolf will act if she goes into detail. I don't want him taking over and jumping her here.

"I can figure it out. I've met Korra and Anna before. I know how they are." I said, leading Avril to her motorcycle.

I've ridden enough bikes in my time without Avril that I can drive one. I climbed on, as Avril shucked away her yellow jacket, and jumped on behind me. I opened the garage door, before starting up the bike, and driving off. Colors of blue, red, green, and brown flashed by as we headed towards the place I wanted to show Avril. Knowing she wouldn't hear me if I shouted over the wind and the engine, I opened our mind link.

After this, do ya wanna go catch a movie, get out of the house? I asked her.

Her response held a smile in her words. Yeah, okay! I kinda wanna see Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter. it looks good.

I grinned. The old Avril would've never wanted to see anything violent. I like this new Avril, because she's like the old Avril, plus a dose of bad-ass.

I came to a stop at the beginning of a clearing. After killing the engine and hopping off, I helped Avril down, leading her closer to the clearing. There, surrounded by trees, was a small cliff, a path of sand that lead to a beach and an ocean. The cliff went far enough to where you could jump off, and land smack middle in the water. Though, the cliff wasn't too high. I turned to Avril, giving her a sheepish grin.

"Do you like it? I remember you used to always want to come to the beach, but it was too far. I found this, and I thought of you..." I said sheepishly.

"Landon, I..." She trailed off.

-Avril's POV-

"Landon, I..." I trailed off for a moment, before looking him in the eyes. "I love it. Though it is a shame, I would've brought my swimsuit, and maybe a snack-"'

Landon cut me off, seeming giddy that he pleased me. "I took care of that. I convinced the twins to go get your swimsuit. And, I brought something to eat. I wasn't even sure if you would-"

Before Landon could finish, I pulled his head close to mine, capturing his lips.

"I love it Landon, no need to be afraid I'll scold you. Come on. Did you put the stuff in the bag on the back of my bike?" I asked him, after pulling away. Landon grinned like he won the lottery, and nodded.

After pulling on my black bikini, I walked back to Landon, pulling him towards the cliff. I hesitated at the edge of the cliff.

"Come on, Avs. I'll pull you down with me if you don't go." Landon said with a smirk.

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