Chapter 21

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-Avril's POV-

As Landon and I walked out the door of my old home, my wolf went on high alert, fighting for control.

Danger, She muttered in my head. Keep the pup safe.

I stopped walking, looking around me. There was nothing out of the ordinary at the street. The only people I saw besides Landon, were a few preteen kids, playing basketball on the street. What was making my wolf so alert?

There's no one dangerous, what are you-

"Get back!" Landon shoved me behind him, as he growled, his body tensing up. Before I could comprehend what was going on, Landon was in his wolf form, trying to fight off three other wolves on his own. I started to change, ready to aid Landon, when my wolf took control, pushing me back against the door.

Keep the pup safe! She growled, as I watched in horror. Landon was latched onto one of the other wolves' neck, clamping down harder and harder. The first wolf soon lays still in Landon's jaws, but before Landon could back up, the two wolves ganged up on him. Both clamped onto either sides of his head, biting again and again, crushing Landon with their weight.

"Landon!" I cried, trying to take control.

DO NOT PUT THE PUP IN DANGER! My wolf yelled in my head, forcing me out of control again. Landon stopped struggling, lying limp under the wolves.

The attention was now on me. My wolf backed me against the wall, making me whimper in submission. The men changed back, not seeming to care that they were naked. They grabbed a pair of sweats that were bound to their ankles, slipping them on. The first man spoke.

"Come with us willingly, or we'll use force." He said, his voice dangerous sounding.

"No!" I said, trying to run. Stupid me, running too close to them. One of them caught me by the collar of my shirt, picking me up bridal style.

"No! Help!" I called, though no one seemed to have heard me. The man gripped my neck, squeezing harder and harder with each thing I yelled. Both my wolf and I struggled, as black rimmed my vision. And then it all went black.


I awoke to a sharp pain in my back. My eyes flew open, to reveal a dimly lit room. I fingered the thin white sheet placed over me. An IV tube was shoved in my arm, some sort of medicine flowing into my arm. Was I in a hospital? A man entered the room, flicking the lights on. The light blinded me, everything temporarily white. When I regained proper vision, I caught a clear view of the man.

He had dark brown hair, with blazing brown eyes filled with what seemed to be lust. He shot me a small smile, which gave me shivers. His smile was menacing, as if he had something planned, and nothing was going to get in his way.

"Good evening, my dear." He said, his voice not at all matching his menacing looks. His voice sounded welcoming, sweet, the kind of voice that made you easily persuaded. "Sorry about the rude chauffeur, but, you seem to be a little too stubborn for your own good."

I frowned. Something was off about this man, this scene, everything.

Is it me, or is something off about right now? I asked my wolf.

Nothing. Not even the sound of her breathing was in my mind. My wolf was gone. I shot up to a sitting position, snarling at the man.

"Who are you, and what did you do to me?" I growled at the man. He laughed, the angelic sound of it making me shudder. He strode over to the bed, sitting at the corner. He faced me.

"Avril, dear, that's no way to treat a man of feeling." He said, his hand reaching up, to caress my cheek. I slapped his hand away, glaring at him.

Avril | Completed ✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα