Ice Skating

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"I'm going to fall over." I say, arms out wide for balance as I slide across the ice.

"You won't, you're doing it!"

I use my ice skates to propel myself forward, wobbling slightly. "If I die, it's your fault completely." Beth just laughs and skates off with ease, leaving me stumbling behind her.

My arms are waving around as I try to keep my balance and my hand hits someone else's as they skate past. "I'm so sorry!" I shout over the music, not yet sure who I'd actually hit.

A boy my age turns and smiles, "It's fine."

I'm ashamed of what happens next.

I'm so distracted by his perfect features that I skate straight into a small child. So I'm lay on the cold ice, my cheek already going numb, small child crying beside me; couldn't possibly get worse? Oh yeah, it can.

"Oh my God, are you ok?"

I look up into the brown eyes that got me into this mess in the first place. "Um, could be better?"

He laughs and holds out his hands, "Here, let me help you."

I grab his hands, surprisingly warm in the cold rink, and manage to get to my feet without embarrassing myself further. "Thanks."

"No problem." He smiles at me again, and I melt a little inside. Soon, he's turned around and skating away from me.

I look for Beth and immediately skate over to her as best I can. "Beth, Beth, Beth." I slam into the wall of the rink as a form of stopping.

"Ouch, that sounded like it hurt."

"No, no I'm fine. See that guy, the fit one." I point discreetly to the other side of the rink.


"That right there is my future husband."

Beth laughs and shakes her head. "You're insane! You say this about every guy you ever talk to."

"You don't understand, this one's real! I accidentally touched his hand, you should have heard the way he said it was fine!"

"I'm skating away now." She says, turning and heading towards the middle.

"No! Beth! I swear!" I leave the wall and attempt to skate after her. I get half way before someone slams into my side, both of us falling to the floor. I'm face down on the ice, again, with someone on top of me. "What the-"

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was goin- Oh, it's you." I cringe into the ice.

I turn as much as I can with the boy on top of me, "Yep. Me. Again."

He clambers off of me and once again helps me back to my feet. "I'm Thomas by the way." He says once were stood facing each other, my hands still in his from helping me up.

"Poppy." I reply.

"Nice to meet you, Poppy." He smiles at me again, and I decide I need to get out of this situation before I spontaneously combust. "I'm guessing you're new to ice skating?" He says, laughing slightly as he lets go of my hands.

I laugh, "How'd you guess?"

"You've spent more time face down on the ice than you have skating on it from what I can tell."

I blush and his smile widens. "Well...nice to meet you Thomas." I smile and skate away before I embarrass myself any further.

Beth and me skate for another hour or so before coming off. We take our skates off and sit at the side with a plate of chips. "So, you gonna ask him out?" Beth asks.

"You're kidding, right."

"No, seriously."

"No, I just met him. Why on earth would I do that? Just because I think he's fit and he skates like an actual god and-"

"'An actual god' Never heard that one before, but I've got to say it's very flattering."

Skating into someone I think is cute is one thing.

Skating into him twice is another.

Him overhearing me talking about how I think he's a god?


No no no no.


My eyes widened and my heart started beating so fast I swear everyone in that entire rink could hear it. The internal dread building up in my stomach only increased when his smirk did, as result of Beth asking him to sit with us.

I give Beth a look that screams murder, she horribly misunderstands said look as a cue for her to leave.

"Oh! I have to go to the toilet now!" I maintained fierce eye contact with her, begging her to stay; she just winked and continued walking off.

I don't think she understands that flirting with just about anyone, never has and never will be an option for me.

"Sorry for calling you a...God." He listened with intent as I paused, laughing shortly after.

God that laugh.

"It's fine, you're not too bad yourself." He grabbed a pen and started writing something down as he spoke.

"Are you kidding, I skate like a toddler on stilts."

He just laughed again and slid the paper over to me before grabbing his bag and standing up again.

"I wasn't talking about your skating." He finished with a wink and with that, he was off.

I was just sat there. Awestruck. The only thing that snapped me out of my dumbfounded daze was Beth running to me, squealing like a girl in Disneyland.

"What did he say? What did he say?"

I quickly looked down at the paper he slid to me and opened it.

xxx-xxx-xxx call me sometime - Thomas x

"He gave me his number!" My smile was growing with my sentence, part of me still not believing that actually just happened.

Beth squealed a bit too loudly and I had to hit her arm to get her to shut up. We stayed there for another hour, skating. I kept falling, obviously, but I didn't care, I was just thinking about him.

And of course I didn't know at the time.

But I was going to be thinking about him a lot more.

And I don't intend to ever stop.


Written with @SunsetInfatuation the absolute GODDESS, go read all of her books, they are actual genius and I wish I could write like her. She wrote the whole second half. Really saved me on this one, LOVE YOU X

I wrote a part two to this story called 'I Missed You' x

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