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"I think my nurse is trying to kill me." He whispers to me, his voice deadly serious.

"You think your nurse is trying to kill you?" I repeat doubtfully.

"Yes, that is exactly what I just said."

"Hey don't go getting smart with me." I say, rolling my eyes.

He shakes his head, "Either that, or she's flirting with me."

"One would hope attempting murder, and flirting, were two very different things."

"Well, apparently not. If I die, I want you to know it's completely your fault."

"Thanks." I reply dryly.

"No problem. You're the reason I'm in here in the first place."

"How is you jumping off of a brick wall my fault?"

"I wouldn't have been up there if it hadn't been for you."

"No, no, no, don't go blaming that on me. You just climbed up on that wall of your own accord and then jumped off shouting 'hardcore parkour'"

He cringes, "I really said that?"

"Yep, loud and clear."

"Did I at least look cool when I jumped off- shit, here she comes, act natural."

I look behind me to see the nurse enter, she gives me a smile before turning to Sam. "Ok then, Mr Darton, how're we feeling?"

"Just great, Linda."

I snort, earning myself a glare from Sam.

"Good, I'm just going to change a few things with your meds and then I'll be out of your way."

She goes about changing things around the room and we sit in awkward silence until she leaves.

"See what I mean? Serial killer is written all over her." Sam says to me as soon as the door closes behind her.

"She seemed completely normal to me. Nice even."

"That's just how they get you, you haven't seen her when it's just me and her alone. She stroked my leg, Alex." He leans forward and whispers the last part, his eyes widened in concern.

"Because you've broken it, Sam, she was probably just checking it."

"You'll regret not believing me when I'm dead."


"You will. You'll be lost without me."

"So lost."

"You'll be late to everything. You'll have no one to drive you places. I'm the centre of your entire universe."

"The sun to my solar system."

"Exactly." He nods. "Treat this as the last time you'll ever see me."

"The last time?"

"Yep. Any unshared secrets, any regrets, anything you need to get off of your chest must be spoken now, or you may have to forever hold your peace."

"Ah, so I better do this then?"

I lean forward and I kiss him.

He's taken aback at first, unsure of how to react, but soon enough, he kisses me back, and it's utterly amazing.

"About time." He says once we pull apart.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I've been waiting for you to do that for months. Just a shame I'll be dead soon so we won't be able to enjoy it for as long."

"You have a broken leg, you will not die."

"But Linda is out to get me!"

"Linda will have to get through me first." And with that I pull him in for another kiss.

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