The End

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You'd think, just as a decent human being, he wouldn't make out with her right in front of me. She's basically sat on his lap, his hands on her waist.

He used to hold me like that.

Many long summer nights and cold winter mornings spent in his arms, I thought it was the safest place in the world. I was wrong. The thing is; to him, everyone and everything is replaceable. At one time, I'd managed to convince myself that I was different. I thought I meant something to him. Again, I was wrong.

He was everything to me. I'd let myself fall for him completely. I was stupid, I let myself be vulnerable, and I paid the price for it.

I was on my way to his house. It was meant to be a surprise, I'd been away visiting family for a while, and I thought he'd be happy to see me. He'd tell me he missed me every night, and text me every morning. That's what I don't understand. He put effort in; at least, that's what it felt like.

When I opened his front door, he was sat on the couch. But he wasn't alone. She was on his lap, his hands on her waist, much like they are right now in front of me. I just turned and left.

He came after me. Saying it was only one time, he couldn't handle me being away, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But I didn't listen. He'd cheated on me. End of.

So that was it. It really was the end of. The end of us.

But now he's with her through the long summer nights and cold winter mornings, and I'm alone. He makes her feel special, and I feel like a waste of space.

So when I walk past them together, even 3 months after I first found them together, I have to stop. My muscles tense, I find it hard to breath, tears sting my eyes. And I hate it. I hate that he still has this effect on me. But seeing them together hurts.

Lately, everything just seems to hurt.

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