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"Stop kicking me!"

"I'm not!" I take one look at Harry's smirk and turn to Lucy, my best friend, on my other side. Trust me to get sat next to Harry. He is the most annoying person on this planet.

"He's getting on my nerves." I say to Lucy quietly, making sure I don't get caught by Mr. Fredricks.

"Don't let him bother you, he's obviously just flirting."

"Flirting! As if."

"It's so obvious."

I blush slightly and shake my head. There's no way Harry would flirt with me.

He kicks me again and I punch him in the arm.

"Lauren! Go stand outside! I will not accept violence in the middle of my lesson!"

I freeze instantly. There is no way I'm getting sent outside because of Harry.

"But Sir, he's been kicking me all lesson."

"Harry, is this true?" As if he's just going to admit to it. What even are teachers nowadays?

"Not at all sir." He says, polite as anything. The prick.

"Right then, Lauren, step outside." I stand and walk out the classroom, making sure I shove Harry on the way.

I'm stood outside alone for about 5 minutes before the door opens. At first, I think it's sir asking me to come back in, but no such luck. Harry comes walking out, grin the size of Russia.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I threw a paper ball at Mr. Fredricks."

"Why? Why on earth would you do that?"

He shrugs, "Figured you could use some company out here."

I scoff. "As if I'd want company from you."

He just smirks back at me, and kicks me lightly.

I kick him back and soon we're just stood outside the classroom trying to kick and stand on each other's toes.

I turn away from him and put my leg back to stand on his foot. It makes him lose his balance and his arms come around my waist.

We both stop, shocked at our sudden closeness.

The door opens and we both look up to see Mr. Fredricks. His eyes are open wide, shocked to find us in such close proximity to each other and clears his throat.

We both jump apart and I can't help it, I start to laugh.

At first it's just quiet suppressed giggles that make no sound, but when Harry snorts from trying to hold in his own laughter, I crack.

"Is something funny?" Asks Mr. Fredricks, clearly unimpressed.

"No sir." Harry replies through his laughs, contradicting his statement.

"Come in the pair of you, I don't want another word from either of you."

We go and sit in our places and Harry immediately kicks me.

This time I just smile slightly and kick him back. 

Maybe he is flirting.

And maybe I'm ok with that.


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What annoys you in a classroom? Table tappers can drive me up the wall sometimes 😂

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