The Inevitably of Change

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I've found that two things in life are inevitable: death, and change.

Both can be feared, both can be accepted, and both are unavoidable. You can live every single day of your life exactly the same, and you will still change. You will grow, both physically and mentally, you will learn, both academically and personally, you will develop, both emotionally and fundamentally, and there is not a single thing you can do about it.

Change can be a choice. You could choose to throw away your old things, you can choose to move house. Change can be forced upon you. You're forced to move from primary school to high school, you can be forced to let go of old friends and welcome new ones. Change can be painful. Saying goodbye to people you love when they're taken from you, moving on when all you really want to do is stay exactly where you are.

When I was younger, I feared change. I feared it with everything in me. I felt alone. Everyone around me was changing. Embracing new things, diving head first into life's opportunities while I just stood still. I observed from afar, never straying from my comfort zone. I missed out on so many experiences, so many memories, just because I feared change. It seems silly now, foolish almost; that I let myself get so swept up in my own head. So stubborn against the natural tide of life.

Change can be many different things and take many different forms, but it is, and always will be: inevitable.

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