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"Stop moving I'll die!"

"You won't die, stop being so dramatic."

"If you drop me, I'll die."

"Then I guess I'll have to try not to drop you."

I roll my eyes as Chris complains from below me. I'm precariously balanced on his shoulders as I try and put the star on the top of our Christmas tree. I finally manage to lean over just enough to get it on the tree, when Chris sways slightly, knocking the tree.

"Chris! It's wonky now." I shout.

"Oh, leave it. It adds character. Represents our relationship."



I smack him lightly on the forehead as he lowers me back down, laughing. We both take a step back and take in our completed tree, wonky star included.

Chris bursts out laughing. "It-It looks so stupid." He manages, struggling to get his words out through his fit of giggles.

"Chris! You've done it. You've ruined Christmas!"

"Hang on, I think that's a bit far."

"Nope. The tree is the centre of all things Christmas. Our first Christmas tree together was a symbol. A momentous occasion. A celebration of our relationship and you've ruined it."

Chris takes in the seriousness of my face, before collapsing back into giggles. "You're not serious? It's funny! Look at it." He grabs my head and turns it to look up at the crooked gold star. "It's cute."

I sigh deeply as I look at the sad metal object. Chris has always been a glass half full. He says he fills my half empty glass to make a full one; which is a stupid metaphor, but it still never fails to make me laugh.

"I guess?" I reply, doubtful.

"That's the spirit." He says, "The Christmas spirit." He adds, kissing the end of my nose lightly.

I just shake my head, too stubborn to give him the satisfaction of a smile. He grabs both my hands and pulls me into the kitchen.

"I know how to fix Christmas."

"Oh yeah?" I question.

"Yep. I'm going to make hot chocolate, and we're going cuddle on the couch with a blanket and watch a Christmas film."

"Which Christmas film?" I challenge.

"The Holiday." He replies with confidence.

"Why The Holiday?"

"Duh, Jude Law? He is the level of perfect boyfriend I aspire to be."

I shrug, "I guess you could say you're halfway there."

He winks, his lopsided grin still managing to make by stomach flip. "Good enough for me."

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