Chapter 1: The Place With Popularity Status' and Honour Roll Placements

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"Isabella Reid!"

I snapped out of my daydream.

"Yes?" I asked, raising my eyebrows slightly.

"We're here." my best friend, Carly, stated.

Sure enough, I turned my head, and there it stood. The building of sociability and learning, the place with popularity status' and honour roll placements, the location for teaching and coaching; high school. I stepped out of the car and started to walk towards it.

"So, what were you daydreaming about? Or should I say who?" Carly joked.

"You know there's no 'who' anymore." I said.

See, my boyfriend of 7 months thought it would be a great idea to cheat on me at the end of grade 11. His plan didn't work out too well. Thank goodness we don't go to the same school and I'll probably never see him again.

"True, but that doesn't mean there can't be a new one in mind." Carly stated.

I rolled my eyes. By the time we got to our lockers we already had gotten tons of "hello's" and a few creepy guys checking us out. Gross.

Carly and I were part of what you could call the 'popular group'. Before I go on, let me tell you this:

I hate popularity.

I think it's one of the stupidest things. Why would wearing this type of clothing instead of that kind of clothing make you any better than others? Why would saying one thing make you more superior than someone else? It's silly really. But, I'm not going to complain about being popular. I mean, fitting in. That's what people really want, isn't it? To be noticed, to be accepted.

Luckily, the cliques in our school aren't too severe. Most of the populars are actually quite nice and sweet. Most. But there are always exceptions to everything.

"Move out of my way!"

Carly and I turned around, and sure enough, Nicole was pushing through the crowd thinking she was Queen Bee. Carly and I always joked around saying that the 'B' stands for something else...

"Hey, Nicole." I teased.

She gave me a dirty look as she walked by. Nicole hates me. She has this huge crush on one of the most popular guys at school, Jason Sharp. But, Jason has a crush on me. Thus, making her hate me. I've explained to her many times that I'm not into Jason, but she insists on hating me anyways. Oh well.

"Hey, I'm going to go to class, I'll see you later." Carly said, walking down the hall, her blonde hair flowing behind her.

I took out my textbooks and headed the other way to my class as well. Along the way my friends met up with me. I call them my friends, but I'm not sure if they really are. They seem kind of... fake. As if they only hang out with Carly or me to get higher on the popularity charts.

I wasn't paying much attention to their conversation about some new store in the mall. I laughed to myself. So typical. I hate typical. Why would you do something just because everyone else does it? Why would you be something you're not? I don't get it, but I guess it makes sense to them. I guess some would rather hide behind a curtain of fakeness. Everyone has their secrets, and some people have bigger ones than others. Like me for example. I don't let many people in. I think that the less people know about you, the better. That doesn't mean I lie to others, I just don't give them the full me. Just bits and pieces I don't mind them knowing. Only Carly and my family know how crazy I can be sometimes. And I liked it that way.

Once I got to class, I took a seat away from my friends. I didn't want to get distracted, and that's something everyone knows. I like learning. I might not be great at every subject, but I try. There was one subject I absolutely love though. Math. I know, weird. Not many people like it, but I love it. It's the only subject that always has a definite right and wrong. No partially corrects. Plus, I'm good at it. You usually like what you're good.

Soon, the teacher walked into class, and just like that, the first class of the year started.


Now I was sitting in Carly's car, getting driven back home. I had a car as well, but since Carly and I lived on the same street, we carpooled each other to school.

"Hey, did you have any classes with that new kid, Brian?" I asked Carly out of the bloom.

"Ya, I did. He's an English buff, so I have a lot of classes with him." she said. "He's kind of cute too." she added.

"That's exactly why I asked. Dirty blonde hair, brown eyes; he sounds like you're type." I laughed. "But, maybe he's a total jerk." I theorized.

Carly hit my arm.

"Let the girl dream." she mumbled.

Soon we pulled up on my long driveway. We live in a really wealthy area, and everyone at school is rich as well.

"Thanks Carly, I'll text you." I said, climbing out of the door.

"You better!" she yelled as she pulled out.

I smiled as I walked into my house. No one was home since both my parents were still working and my older brother was in university. I love my family, and we are really close.

Slipping off my shoes, and dropping my bag by the stairs, I walking to the kitchen to make food. As I took some ingredients out of the fridge, I started to think. My life was kind of simple. There was no change, and nothing exciting. I wanted something different.

I laughed at my deep thoughts as I took a bite into my sandwich.


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