Chapter 3: My Crazy Friend(s)

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After about two hours of doing homework and getting ready, Ethan drove us both to the local movie theatre.

"So, what movie should we watch?" Ethan asked me as we stood in line to buy tickets.

"I don't know." I replied, looking up at the board that had all the movies listed.

"The Amazing Spiderman 2?" we both said at the same time.

We laughed and continued to wait in line, talking about random stuff. It was so nice to finally hang out with my brother again. Soon we bought our tickets and headed to theatre room #6. No one was in there except for three teenage guys that sat in the very back. I guess since the movie has been out for quite a few weeks already, everyone has already seen it. We took a seat around the middle.

Throughout the whole movie I was telling Ethan how attractive Andrew Garfield is, and he was saying how beautiful Emma Stone is. The perks of having no one sit around you.

We went straight home after the movie. I had a late dinner, then eventually made my way to bed.


The next school days passed by quickly and easily. It was now Friday, and Carly was driving me home, yet again.

"Remember that next week is your week to drive me home." Carly reminded me.

"Ya, ya." I muttered. "Are you going to that party tonight?"

"Yep. Brian's going, so I'm going." she smiled.

I rolled my eyes at her silliness. Brian has become quite the buzz at school. I guess being the new cute guy really has it's advantages.

"Are you going?" she asked me.

"I don't think so. I was planning on helping out in the library..."

"But it's the first party of the school year!"

"You know I'm no party animal like you are." I pointed out.

"True, but you're a good party-er." she laughed.

I liked parties. I didn't have much against them. I just hate drunks, so I would usually leave early. But, it's a nice night out and it's fun.

"Maybe I'll come after. We'll see." I said.

When I got home, I took an apple from the kitchen and went to my room to get ready for the library.

After fixing my hair slightly, packing my bag, and grabbing a book I had to return, I went back downstairs. I quickly left a note for my mum and dad, and then I got into my car.

The drive was quick. In a few minutes I was already walking into the building. The library wasn't too large. Just one floor since my town wasn't very big. But it was very cute, and the librarians were always really nice. When I walked in, I was greeted by one of them. She was in her 40's, short chestnut hair, and glasses. She always seemed to have a smile on her face. I asked her how I could help out, and soon I was returning books, putting them on shelves, and helping people around. Once I was finished my small jobs, I decided to start working on my homework. I walked to one side of the library that had the spot I usually sat at, but I found that there were people already sitting at the table. Coming a bit closer, I saw that it was Andrew, Kyle and Maxwell. I walked over to them.

"Hey guys." I whispered to them.

They all turned around.

"Oh, hey Isabella." Maxwell greeted.

"Do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is kind of full." I said, gesturing around me.

"Ya, sure thing." Kyle exclaimed, nodding to the seat beside him.

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