Chapter 25: Hey Isabella

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I turned the radio off as I parked my car onto Max's driveway. And I sat there, in my seat, just staring at the garage. I didn't know if coming here was a good idea or not. I knew that the whole group, including Andrew and Morgan, would be there. And I didn't know if I wanted to see them or not. As you can see, I was really second guessing myself at the time. But, I didn't stay there for long, because Jamie knocked on my window. I jumped in my seat. 

"Hi there!" she waved. I smiled and turned off the engine. I took my keys and crawled out of my car. 

"Hey, Jamie." I said, hugging her. "What's up?" I asked. 

"Not much." she replied. "Why were you sitting in your car?"

I fiddled with the strap of my bag. "Uh, no reason really..." I trailed off. I heard Jamie sigh. 

"Is this whole Andy and Morgan thing getting to you?" she questioned, looking me dead set into the eyes. I avoided her eye contact for a bit and instead focused on her now bright red hair. 

"No, of course not." I answered dully. It was obvious that she didn't buy the lie since she rolled her eyes. 

"Look, Izzy, you're not the only one going through this. We all think it's strange the way Andrew's acting. We even hinted it at him once, but he's gone completely blind." she sighed, running a hand through her hair. "We really like you, Iz, and we don't want to lose you just because of Andy."

I smiled at that. "Thanks." I mumbled. 

"So," she continued, "let's go in there and just hang out. I don't care what the two of them do, let's just have a good time." she encouraged. 

"Okay." I nodded my head. We started heading towards Max's front door. "He hasn't talked to me since, you know." I said out of the bloom. "I've tried texting, calling, talking; nothing. Nothing works." 

Jamie gave me a comforting look. "I really don't know what's up with him. And Morgan seems a bit off too. I don't know..." Jamie replied. 

We walked into the house, and Jamie called out Max's name. He came walking out of the living room. 

"Hey guys!" he smiled brightly. He wrapped an arm around Jamie, and pecked her on the lips. He then came over and hugged me as well. "I'm sorry as to how things have been working out." he whispered into my ear. 

"It's okay." I assured. He stepped back and gave us both a large smile. 

"Let's get going then!" he exclaimed, taking Jamie's hand and leading us into the living room. Everyone else was already there. 

"Hey, Izzy!" Hannah called, running over and hugging me. 

"Hi Hannah." I replied. 

"Izzy! My favourite girl in the world." Drake said, taking my hand after, and kissing it. Just like the first day we met. I laughed slightly and playfully hit him in the shoulder. 

"Hey." I smiled. Tyler waved from the couch and I waved back. Kyle gave me a quick head nod with a smile. Morgan even seemed to notice me as she smiled slightly once I made eye contact. Now, Andrew saw me, but decided that saying hello wasn't worth his time. 

As much as I wasn't in the mood, I didn't want Morgan and Andrew stopping me from having a good time. 

"Let's get this party started!" Tyler hollered. 

"This isn't a party, Ty." Hannah said. She sat beside me. Tyler just stuck his tongue out and started to set up some video game. 

"It's Halo time." he smirked. He tossed a remote to Kyle, who was practically dying to play, he gave one to Morgan, and I offered to play as well. He took a remote for himself and we soon started the game. 

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