Chapter 21: I'm A Force To Be Reckoned With

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I didn't sleep well the night before. I was pretty much making plans on how to murder Brian the whole night. I probably had a plan from A-Z. He's a jerk. The jerk of jerks. And he should feel bad.

Once Carly got into my car in the morning, she knew something was up.

"You have that face on." she commented.

"What face?" I asked, coming out of my train of thoughts.

"That don't-talk-to-me-I'm-thinking-really-deep-thoughts face."

"I don't have a face like that." I waved off.

"Wanna bet?" she raised her eyebrows. I didn't bother replying. "I'm serious, Iz. What are you thinking about?" she asked worried.

"Brian." I replied bluntly.

"Well duh, I figured that much out." she sighed. "I mean, what specifically?"

"I want to bash his head into a wall."

"Woah, these are violent thoughts." Carly laughed. I didn't even smile. "Come on Izzy, it's not that bad."

"Not that bad?!" I almost shouted. I slapped my hands down on the wheel, causing it to honk."He dated you so he could get to me! What kind of mental disorder do you have to have to think that I would ever date him?! How could he just use you like that?! How could he think that that's totally okay?! Did he really think his plan would work out?! I should give him an award for being the most brainless human of the century!"

Carly didn't say anything. She let me let some of my steam out.

"He's a total imbecile." I groaned. "And this whole time I've thought he was some sweet guy that actually cares for people. But no. He has to be some stupid new kid that thinks he's boss and can get any girl he want. He thinks he can just use girls and get away with it. But boy, oh, boy, he does not know who he's messing with." I smirked.

"Izzy, what's your plan?" Carly asked, worried.

"I don't really have a specific plan. But I got some ideas."

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel and smiled an evil grin the whole ride to school. I felt like a psychopath, but that's okay. It was totally worth it.


I quickly walked to my locker and got all my stuff. The hallways were full with students as classes were starting in about 10 minutes. I dragged Carly by the arm. I found the hallway Brian's locker was in, and sure enough, Brian was walking towards it with a few of his friends. His back was facing us.

"Wish me luck." I said to Carly, letting go of her arm. She was about to ask me something, but I already started walking.

"Hey you!" I called. He didn't budge. The hallway started to quiet down a bit. Guess being the popular girl really helps.

"I'm talking to you, Brian." I called. This time I was positive he heard me.

"Brian!" I tried again. Still nothing. That just got me even angrier. I was only a few metres away from him now.

"I like it when people look at me when I talk to them." I snapped, grabbing his shoulder, making him turn around.

"Got a spunky one this time." one of his friends snickered. I didn't even bother glancing at him. I was too busy glaring into Brian's brown eyes. He just had a casual smirk on his face.

"Yes, princess?" he asked sweetly.

"Don't princess me." I snarled. "You think you can just waltz in here and have almost every girl fall to their knees? Well sucks for them because they obviously don't know what a rotten personality you have." I roared, gesturing to the school with my arms. "You don't mess with my friends like you messed with Carly." I was vaguely aware of the large crowd that had formed around us. "Tell me now," I snapped at Brian, jabbing my forefinger into his chest, "did you really think that your little plan would work? Did you really think that I would come running to you after you messed with Carly? Did you really think that I would pick you over my best friend?" I wasn't actually waiting for a reply, but Brian seemed to have an answer.

"Well it seems like it's working." he chuckled, gesturing to the five centimetres of space we had between us. Guess I got really caught up at yelling at him. I was about to take a step back, when he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Don't worry, I like them feisty." he smirked. I was disgusted and I wanted to get out of his grasp, but I didn't squirm. I didn't want to show him how hopeless I was at the moment.

I laughed. "I'm a force to be reckoned with, baby." I lightly pushed his chest, and surprisingly, he let go easily. I quickly took a step or two back. "You don't want to mess with me." I stated confidently. He just smirked yet again, making me feel somewhat confused. He took a step forward, making me take a small step back. After two steps, I hit the lockers. Shoot. Brian casually placed his hands on my hips, making me lean against the lockers.

"You and what army?" he whispered seductively into my ear. It was at that moment that I made a quick decision. I relaxed my whole body. I put my hands on his chest, and pretended to enjoy his hot, minty breath fanning my ear. I felt him smile, and move his head, about to kiss my neck.

"This one." I said. With all the strength I could muster, I kneed him right in his special place. He doubled back in pain immediately. "Listen up you filthy scumbag." I spat, taking a step forward. "You stay away from Carly and me. Don't do anything stupid, and Carly and I won't have to embarrass you again." I stated. I turned around and started to walk away, but then stopped. "Oh, and be the lovely gentleman you are and apologize to Carly, please." I winked. "Thanks!" I smiled. And this time, I walked away for good.

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That Nerdy Kid?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora