Chapter 31: No Winter Dance, But A Party Sounds Good

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"What do you mean we're not having one!?"

"The principal said we've had too many school events all ready."

I was talking to Stacey. She was the School Council president. Apparently, we weren't having a Winter dance this year.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed.

"Yup." she sighed. "No one's happy about it."

I pouted as I took all this information in. "This sucks." I stated. "Anyways, thanks for telling me. I should be getting home now."

"See you later!" she smiled.

I exited the school and started walking to my car. Carly wasn't far.

"Did you hear?" I asked her once we got into my car. "We aren't having a winter dance!"

"Say what!?" she shrieked. I laughed at her reaction.

"Yeah, Stacey said that the principal said that we've had too many events already."

"This is stupid." she pouted.

"I agree." I said, starting the car.

"Hey, maybe we could host our own small party instead." Carly offered.

"That actually sounds like an awesome idea!" I smiled.

"I'll ask my mum once I get home." 

The ride was quick. It was a Tuesday, meaning that there were only three days of school left until winter break. Everyone was so excited, that they weren't focused as much in class anymore. 

"Thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow!" Carly smiled as she hopped out of my car and ran up towards her house. 

I was hoping for this idea of a party to work out. Then at least Carly and I could hang out with the people we are close with. I thought about different ideas as I drove home. 

Parking my car, I opened the door and stepped out. The wind was howling, and snow was penetrating my open skin. I hastily grabbed my things and made my way to my house. After fumbling with the keys, I opened the door and entered my warm home. 

Just like any other winter's day, I made myself a nice hot cup of chocolate with marshmallows and went up to my room. From there I started working on my dreaded homework. But before I could begin, my phone lit up. 

"Hey Car." I answered. 

"Izzy!" she sang. "Guess who has permission to hold a small party!" she giggled happily.

"No way!" I gasped.

"Yes way!" she teased.

"This is amazing!" I smiled.

"It is! My mum was saying it can't be too big, but I was planning on like forty people anyways." she said. We began planning themes, decorations, and everything to make a cute party. 

"So people have to wear red, green, and white." Carly recapped. "And we'll go shopping for little decorations."

"Yep." I replied. 

"And you'll help me organize food as well." 


"And we'll watch a Christmas movie." she went on. 

"Yes, don't worry everything will work out well." I laughed slightly. 

"Oh my God, we need to choose a date!" she exclaimed. I looked at my calender. Christmas was in about a week. 

"How about the 21st? The Sunday?" I offered. Carly thought for a moment. 

"Yeah, sounds perfect! That gives enough time to plan it out, and still leaves time for family after!" she squealed. "I'm so excited!"

"Now we just got to invite people." I said. We discussed who should come, and who definitely not to invite. Eventually we got a decent list of people. 

"Yay!" Carly cheered. "I'm gonna go call them. Thanks for the help!" she added before hanging up. 

Who knew that this party would have so many surprises. 


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I just wanted to give a heads up to people that there's only about two chapters left! That Nerdy Kid is almost at it's end :(

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