Chapter 20: We Should Kill Him

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"What!?" I screamed.

"Please don't make me repeat it. It was hard enough to say it once." she whimpered. After some thought, I spoke up.

"Yours, or mine?" I asked, meaning which house, hers or mine.


"Okay. I'll see you soon." and with that I hung up.

I was angry. So angry. Brian had every right to break up with her, but I was mad anyways. In fact, I was fuming. Andrew noticed, because he asked if I was alright.

"No." I snapped. Then I felt bad for snapping at him for no reason. "I'm sorry for that, just, Brian broke up with Carly." I explained. "I kind of need to go home and talk to her."

"Yeah, no problem." he said.

"I'm sorry for having to leave so early." I said, walking up the stairs. He followed.

"It's fine. We'll finish eventually." he stated, following me up. I smiled and blushed knowing that he was talking about the kiss.

"I hope." I smiled, but then I remembered Carly. "I really got to go, thanks!" I exclaimed, practically running out of the house.


After jogging to my house as fast as possible, I told my dad that Carly was coming over and that it was an emergency. He seemed surprised, but accepted anyways.

After a few minutes Carly came, and I dragged her into my room. I already had all the comfort food set up; cookies, chocolate, ice cream.

I didn't push her to talk, but she seemed to want to speak it all out anyways.

"He's a jerk! That hugest jerk in history!" she screamed into my pillow. I didn't mind if her makeup got all over it. "I can't believe he did this to me!"

So by her state, I assumed they had quite a messy break up.

"Worse than Troy?" I asked.

"Yup." she said, looking up from the pillow with pure hate in her eyes. "He should rot in hell."

"Okay, you've got to tell me what he did to you, hun."

She took a chocolate bar from my table and stuffed it into her mouth. After chewing it, and wiping her tear-stained face, she started her long story.

"We were on a date. date. He broke up with me on date! Who does that?! And it's not like we had a fight!" she said.

"Come on, give me details, lady!" I exclaimed, trying to make the mood lighter. "Why did he break up with you!?" 

She didn't reply right away, which made me scared. 

"He broke up with me because of you." she stated. 

"What?" I asked, totally confused. 

"He never liked me." she said, staring off into the distance. "He only dated me to get closer to you."

I froze. Did she really just say what I think she said.

"He only dated you... to get to me?" I repeated slowly. 

"Yep." she sighed. 

"What. The. Heck is wrong with him?!" I yelled. "That stinking piece of garbage! Who does he think he is?! Did he seriously think I would end up going for him after he broke up with my best friend?!" 

I was mad. So mad. I wanted to punch him in the face really badly. Take all my anger out on him. How could he do that to my friend? What was his logic? Oh right, he didn't have any. 

"He just left me on my front porch, bawling my eyes out." she sneered. "I hate him. I hate him so much." 

"I'm with you on that one." I agreed. I took my bowl of ice cream. 

"And he didn't even feel bad. He had no gram of pity in his eyes. And you know what else he said? Apparently he wouldn't have broken up with me, but he heard that you and Andrew are going out now, so he gave up."

"What!?" I yelled. "Where did he hear that lie?"

"I have no clue." she sighed. Then the next set of tears started. "It makes me so mad to think that all those moments we had were fake. He was my first boyfriend! My first everything!"

I handed her a tissue box and let her continue crying and ranting. I spoke up occasionally, but mainly left it to her. Once she finished, and tidied herself up, she asked me what's up in my life. 

"Well... I would've kissed Andrew if someone didn't call." I smiled. Her hands flew to her mouth. 

"I'm so sorry! I wouldn't have called if I knew!" she apologized. 

"Yeah, and you would've just continued to sit on the front porch." I laughed. 

"Well, you seem to never be able to kiss him. Something always gets in the way." she teased. 

"You can say that again." I smiled. But, soon that smile faded once I remembered what Brian did. "I hate him."

"Who? Andrew?" Carly asked. 

"No." I giggled slightly. "Brian."

"I agree." she nodded. 

"We should kill him." I said, joking of course. 

"We should." Carly agreed, acting serious. After a few moments, we started to laugh. 

"Okay, enough with the violent thoughts, lets watch a movie." I offered. 


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