Chapter 14: This Is Halloween

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Saturday was supposed to be an exciting day, but I didn't feel it. I didn't feel excitement, joy, or even happiness. I just wanted to lay in bed all day, watching tv and eating ice cream. But unfortunately, I had a thing called an Ethan, and he had to barge into my room at 9am.

"Elly! Wakey wakey!" he exclaimed, shaking me. "I know you're in a bad mood, but I will make you happy." he announced. "Now come on, get dressed and come downstairs. I cooked breakfast!"

"And the house hasn't burned down yet?" I teased. He wasn't a good cook.

"Ha ha, very funny. Now get your lazy butt downstairs." he commanded, leaving my room. I got up since I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep anyways. I put on some random clothes, washed up, and made my way downstairs. On the table sat waffles, fruit, milk, yogurt, and granola.

"I thought you said that you cooked breakfast." I smiled.

"I did! I had to put the waffles into the toaster!" Ethan insisted.

"That's not cooking, Ethan." I laughed, taking a seat. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you want to talk about why you came home all grumpy yesterday?" Ethan asked carefully. I sighed, and eventually spoke up.

"Andrew, Maxwell and Kyle. At school they're stereotyped as 'the nerds'. They dress nerdy, they study a lot, etc. No one really talks to them, and in the last few months, I got to get to know them. I started going over to their houses, as you know. We played video games, studied, they taught me a few nerdy jokes. They seemed like nerdy guys most of the time." I sighed. "And, well, yesterday, Carly and I went to the skatepark. And they were there. They were dressed differently. They had skateboards and bikes by their side. Andrew had a camera. It just wasn't them. They weren't the guys I knew and came to like. They were completely different. And when they saw me, you should of seen the look on their faces. As if their whole plan was ruined. As if they never wanted me to find out about this totally different side of them. They lied to me, Ethan. About who they are. About what they do. And I think now, all I want are some answers. I'm just so confused about it all." I took a deep breath.

"I don't know what to tell you, Elly. I think the only thing you can do is talk to them. Ask them the questions you want answered." Ethan said. I nodded my head in understanding. I changed the subject after that, and we finished our breakfast.


"Yours l-looks li-like it, it exploded." I couldn't talk properly since I was busy laughing my head off. Ethan and I decided to make a few of those cute halloween themed snacks and treats. Right now we were putting icing on cupcakes, and Ethan couldn't get the hang of it.

"This is why girls are the ones who go to the kitchen." Ethan mumbled. I slapped his shoulder. We already had a lot of food made; ghost bananas, sausage mummies, oreo spiders, and a bunch of others. You could easily tell which ones were made by me and which ones were made by Ethan.

"Hey, lets watch a movie." Ethan offered, taking my hand and dragging me to the living room. He told me to sit on the couch while he put the dvd in.

"What movie?" I asked.

"Saw." he grinned.

"Ah no, no, no." I laughed nervously. "I am not watching that."

"Come on Elly!" he whined. "I'll even give you permission to cuddle into my side!"

And so, by the end of the movie I was practically curled up onto his lap, terrified. Ethan on the other hand couldn't stop laughing at me.

"See, it wasn't that bad, Elly." Ethan teased.

"Not that bad!? Did you totally miss, like, the whole movie?!" I questioned, still scared out of my wits.

"We should watch Saw II sometime." Ethan half-joked, elbowing me in the side. "And it was a pleasure being your cuddle bunny for the whole movie."

"Cuddle bunny?" I giggled. But before Ethan could reply, the doorbell rang. "Guests already?" I wondered.

"I don't think people come 2 hours early." Ethan joked, getting up. I followed him. Once we opened the door, I was a bit surprised to say the least.

"Hey, Isabella, could we talk?" Andrew asked.

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